Mysterious IP Violation

IP bans require they disclose the persons real name that filed the request. So something seems broke in the moderation chain here. :thinking:

This is weird as this isn’t the default note for a DMCA termination. A mod manually wrote that out.

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A lot of people are saying to file a counter claim. But I don’t even know what i’m counter claiming?

I don’t even know if i’m banned for intellectual ip or not because appeals team is telling me something entirely different.

I tried contacting copyright agent already and they refuse to disclose what ip i allegedly infringed. So it just seems i’ve been banned for zero reason.

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If it is an IP claim, you would get the legal name of the person filing it. Unless someone filed a claim against you and the name was something obviously bogus like “D**z Nuts”, there is no reason why you would not get full information so you could appeal it. Like you said, how are you suppose to know what to respond to if there is nothing to respond to? Also, if it is an IP claim, you only have 7 days to respond. It’s difficult to respond to a claim if you can’t even get into your account. :pensive:


Perhaps you could try writing a bug report as the next step? There is no way this is intended.

If you do then make sure to center your report around 1. the lack of context for the IP infringement and 2. the appeal team giving you a whole different reason for moderation as “cheating & exploits”, that way your bug report is less likely to be taken down because of its focus on genuine unintended behaviour.

This is so far one of the most unprofessional moderation actions I’ve seen, should be downright illegal.
It’s one thing to terminate you for “Exploits” and give no context, it’s another when you’re given an alleged DMCA, with absolutely no information on why or by whom, and then also having the appeals team confuse you further and tell you the reason is actually something else entirely.


Thanks for letting me know I went ahead and opened a bug report.

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Looks good, my only suggestion is you move your report to #bug-reports:other-bugs, because #forum-help:forum-bugs is for bugs dedicated to this forum specifically, that way you’ll avoid your report being closed for off-topic.

If you are unable to move your report manually I believe you can reach out to certain staff to do it for you

(Request to join @AllowBugReports, this shouldn’t take too long to be accepted)

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Well it got closed instead of moved, unfortunate. I guess he stays falsely banned :confused:

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Gone are the days where we had community sages or had staff care to move categories instead of lazily closing everything off :pensive:

But for OP @real_borgor, do as Hooksmith suggested, join @AllowBugReports and paste your report into #bug-reports:other-bugs once accepted, it won’t be taken down there and hopefully actually checked for, it definitely is a valid report because being given 2 different reasons is for SURE not intended behaviour.

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I can probably repost it for him in the correct category, since he’s a devforum member?

Isn’t posting bugs on behalf of someone else not allowed? Especially in account-specific matters like this, I don’t think it would slide although I wish that was the case, they will probably just have to wait to be accepted

I thought it was posting on behalf of NON-FORUM MEMBERS, due to them not being able to respond and give details. I can’t find this rule anymore though anyways.

  • You may not post on behalf of non-Developer Forum members in any category except for the Bulletin Board.

This is all I found relating to it for now, and he’s a member so…

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In that case I suppose either way there wouldn’t be any downside to trying it, not like they’ll dismiss the bug report on the actual person’s behalf because it was previously reported from someone else

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Well, I did a quick research on you for a few minutes to see what might have potentially led to your account termination, and honestly, the results didn’t surprise me.

I see that you uploaded assets from the game Deepwoken to the catalog and made a profit from it.

I found several items in your catalog under your account that belong to the Deepwoken game: Catalog - Roblox

From the descriptions of those items, I discovered your group, and both the items in your group and the group itself seem to be directly copying Deepwoken’s intellectual property: Deepwoken Products - Roblox

I also noticed that in multiple places, you’ve written: “If you are a Deepwoken owner/developer and wish for a takedown of this group, simply message realborgor on the blue and white app.”


That’s not how copyright works. You can’t profit from their content unless you’re authorized, and there are even legal consequences for it. The logic of making profit until the intellectual property owner notices it doesn’t apply—you need to get permission first.

Honestly, this seems like a valid reason for a ban. It looks like unauthorized use of intellectual property, and based on your statement, it’s clear that you neither notified the content owner beforehand nor obtained their permission. Though, clarification might still be needed—you could have violated the rights of other people as well.


More than likely, Roblox did the ban without waiting for IP holder to file a complaint. That would explain the initial ban of IP infringement and later changed to exploiting since it would involve using a client hack to copy those assets. :thinking:

Who exploits on a verified account :wut:

Waste of my time.

The appeal response given and the lack of IP infringement information/details is still a very huge problem, regardless. Regardless of if he exploited or not, is this the standard we’re really setting for moderation? Suppose somebody unrightfully gets terminated for IP Infringement and recieve no information in assisting the appeal.

After all, if you don’t know what IP you even infringed upon, how could you appeal it?

This, plus the recent issue of random, confusing terminations isn’t really a good look. (See this topic, and my response to it)

The fact they give that reason, cannot tell you what the specific violation was, and then they change the reason completely, shows that Roblox has not stopped their “daily ban quota” requirement despite facing a lawsuit that exposed them for doing exactly that. I am very sorry to see that this happened to you.

Hopefully this issue will be resolved for you, but the unfortunate reality and expectation is that unless someone with a big following/platform showcases this, Roblox does not care a single bit and will not fix their wrongdoing under any circumstances.
Best of luck.

EDIT: After seeing some of the replies to this thread showing that there was Deepwoken content published without the creators consent, I retract some of my previous statement. Screenshots do not tell the whole story but after seeing some of the screenshots posted by one of the other users on this thread there does seem to be some wrongdoings. However, Roblox needs to specify the content that was moderated and say that the creator of it reported it next time instead of being vague for no reason because it can lead to threads like this, where usually it seems the user being banned is right.

I agree and I want to be on OP’s side, but it seems some important info was left out to obtain our sympathy. I don’t judge, maybe OP has an agreement with Deepwoken that we are not aware of, but I’ll wait for the OP to respond for patients and wisdom reasons. :thinking:

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It being a valid ban or not is completely irrelevant to the current situation, the lack of detail provided as to the IP infringement makes absolutely no sense to me. Also the fact that they didn’t take down the group and the assets are still onsale makes me think that there’s more to it than IP infringement.

I can answer this one, sometimes Roblox won’t take them down as a precaution. What if OP succeeded on the appeal, then they could claim damages for lost sales? It is more lawyer stuff than a moderator showing mercy.

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