Need help with custom materials

How do I Import custom material into roblox studio? For example I want to use a texture to make roads more realistic.

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Hello @treeclimer7575,
If your aiming to have it as a material in the default material section then that is not possible. However you can import images and upload them as decals or use them as textures from the decal.

Another useful tool to use whilst using textures to create curves etc is with a ‘beam’. You can customise the curve, and even make the texture move if you wish, the launch of this feature can be found here if you would like more information on how to use them. (Beam Effect is Live!)

Other things like constant textures which never end can also be used to create roads.

Furthermore if you mean import custom terrain textures, this is also not currently possible, however here is some of the latest tools released with terrain which may help in someway towards getting your targeted end goal.

Currently Roblox is not as advanced as other games with its meshes and textures, however I can reassure you that they are working on much more features to make it easier for developers to work.

Hope some of this helps!

Best of luck.


Thank you very much.
Treeclimer 7575


In short, you will need to find seamless textures. Seamless textures are textures that run forever without having seams or texture overlaps. There are plenty of royalty free textures online and websites dedicated for them, I personally like to use Sketchup free seamless Textures.

From there you can upload the image as a decal to Roblox, then paste the ID into a texture on a part. Resize accordingly and then you can start placing as you wish. To get really nice seamless lines you’ll need to do a bit of mesh work and UV mapping- but that’s a different story. Perhaps I’ll make a tutorial on that one day. Hope this helps.


The Avatar Evolution build has a feature to use normal, metallic and roughness maps via SurfaceAppearance objects. I’m not sure if you can use the SurfaceAppearance object ingame though, so your best bet is either to build stuff DIY or to use flat looking materials right now.