About: New bubble chat doesn’t utilize independent adornees within a model. Bubble chat may cease to work completely with the right conditions. No known workaround has been found.
When: bug discovered January 14th, new bubble chat was ported over on October 30th for my game. It is very likely to have been happening since October 30th as there was no testing in that sector until January.
Where: In-game and in-studio
I want to do this with the new bubble chat system:
- open up place file in studio
- open workspace.README for instructions to port over old chat system
- test play
- type something in chat
- step on “Trigger in-model lefthand talking” button
- equip “Handle Talker” tool
- 1st chat bubble is originating from the player chatting
- 2nd bubble is from Chat:Chat(character.LeftHand)
- 3rd bubble is from Chat:Chat(character.Tool.Handle)
Here is the hierarchy:
This works great with the old chat system. However, the old chat system comes with its own baggage: Chat and chat bubbles sometimes get cut off and don't show whole sentence
New chat system solves the cutoff issue, but now it has adornee issues.
- join a new session
- type something in chat
- step on “Trigger in-model lefthand talking” button
- equip “Handle Talker” tool
This is with roblox’s most up-to-date chat system, as the chat service is left at its default.
Even worst, deleting the part that initiated the chat, such as LeftHand, prevents the player from creating a bubble chat at all after that (touching red block on the left in the photo demonstrates this).
- join a new session
- rather than typing something in chat, immediately step on the “Trigger in-model lefthand talking + remove hand”
- chat bubble should appear on left hand, wait until left hand is removed
- type something in chat
I’m out of ideas right now on how to fix this. I can’t remove this from my game as it is a core mechanic (game in question is Isle). Anyone who has experimented more with this or has found a solution, please share.
The test place to demonstrate this issue is Chat Bug - Roblox, it should also be available to be downloaded and tested offline. To switch to the old chat system, there is a README inside the place that gives instructions.