New Celery Detection [PATCHED]

you can bypass client kicks bro

after getting kicked you cant un-kick yourself… And rejoining also kicks you + you can make it send an remote event after detecting it to get server kicked

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dont tell me its made by hamstagang again lmao

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The obfuscated script contains the bytecode of the script with as much info stripped away such as variable names function names (unless they’re in a table) parameters and other things like that. Obfuscated scripts have multiple variables to obfuscate (clearly). So, exploiters might be able to decompile the script but not only would it be unreadable code, it also cannot be executed because of the complexity. The only way to bypass this is to find someone who leaked it or simply inject ASAP and execute a script (with auto execute, I know this kicks you) that isolates the client from the server and prevents getting kicked and then you would have to hook the whole detection to know which functions are used. In short, it’s complicated but not impossible.

Then they cant do anything LOL

How will they bypass it if they are not able to inject?

They aren’t supposed to inject anything. Celery is an exploit to mess around with the ROBLOX Engine. So, its main purpose is not to hack in games.

I don’t get what you mean. So it’s supposed to exploit Roblox’s engine but not?

I had a stroke reading that‍

You are VERY intelligent for posting this here… This method clearly will not be patched, especially now that you put it on the DEVFORUM for everyone to see for absolutely free!

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it will not be patched and has been a known method for years. the celery developer also stated that patching detections is the least of his worries.

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it works but very literally nobody uses celery, most use fluxus or electron.

It really depends on which obfuscator you get.

For an example, if you use Luraph Obfuscator, it is much harder and does not show byte code at all, there is a TON of confusing processes you need to do IF you were to get the byte code.

As of now, I haven’t seen anyone on the internet able to crack it.

You are clearly VERY intelligent for replying to this THREAD… You OBVIOUSLY know EVERYTHING you are talking about. I can tell that you have made AMAZING AntiExploits!

Me after:

Fluxus hooks are detected with xpcall and
Electron getting detected with BrowserService

It’s made to play around with the ROBLOX Engine with only higher privileges.

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It does give you the byte code, that’s the only way it runs the code lol.

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Indeed I have, my game is secured against all generic attacks an exploit can perform, leaving the only things for me to patch are scripts directly made for my game, which I have seen very little of, because I make great effort in hiding how my game is structured.
I also create distractions by creating puppets, that to a regular exploiter they wouldn’t realize that it was a fake-out until they get banned by attempting to fiddle around with any of it’s values. Nobody can change or delete anything within the game without being detected.
On top of that I utilize a connected Client and Server side anticheat that does a regular checkup on the client to make sure there aren’t any mismatched values. The anticheat also performs other kinds of regulations to further secure the game, especially on the server-side.
The clientside anticheat is spread out through various parts of my game, therefore the anticheat wouldn’t be able to be disabled without breaking the game, which would obviously be detected.
All of this, with little to no performance deterioration on both client and server, working with the actual game itself!

Too much to explain and list here.
It should be very clear that my game is fortified by any bad actors, however with the release of Byfron I most likely should not have to worry about it anymore, as my main issues (Save Instancing and related functions) have been solved as a result.

Any questions?

Yes, I do have a question actually.

Can I get the Test Place of your AntiExploit?

You’re completely wrong. I don’t know where you got this information. Even a trash free obfuscator such as is good enough to obfuscate bytecode… if bytecode wasnt modified, the most it would do is just change variable names, lol, or add large blocks that get constant folded or branch predicted (like if true then end). Here’s a comparison of print(“Hello World”) prior to obfuscation by to post obfuscation by

Keep in mind, is a terrible obfuscator, yet it still multiplies the instruction count by, like, 1000. Although it’s not difficult to deobfuscate this.

No Obf: No Obfuscation -

Obf: - Pastebin took down, check edit.

Please take some of this with a pinch of salt, though, as the luau CLI compiler automatically adds bits of source code then their bytecode below, so ignore those. Both were compiled on -O2 so this is how it would be in a live roblox game.

What is good to mention though is often higher-end obfuscators use virtualization, so you wont have access to luau bytecode to begin with.

Edit: It seems pastebin took down the obfuscated post because it’s too big… :blush: I put it on my throwaway troll github,

Edit 2: It seems I accidently replied to the wrong post, lol. The post I was meant to reply to was somebody saying that a scripts bytecode prior to and after obfuscation will be the same. Also to those who are saying I’m bumping a thread and complaining about it, it’s completely within the rules to bump a thread if you’re adding meaningful information, which I would say this is. Clearly clears up some misconceptions people were having…