New Default Code Font in Studio - Fira Mono

did they break the old font… dosen’t look the same :confused:

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Over all I think this is a better change. It looks cleaner and also easier to read. A bit derpy on my screen sometimes but over all a good font. Good job :+1:

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I’m in love with this new style, even though I don’t script. I mean previously you couldn’t differentiate between an ‘l’ and ‘1’, because both looked the same. The colours were drab, glad to see they’ve brightened now.

Clear distinction between ‘l’ and 1 now!

Still prefer the old font. When I compared the two I found that the old one (Courier New) was softer on the eyes and more readable. Just seemed that Fira Mono was slimmer and a bit harder to read.

next update:


I like this font very much! Because this font makes coding easier. I mean it’s easy to read coding. And it’s bold too. This font is better than the previous one. So I kinda like it.


Jumped into studio today to realise the font was different. Not a drastic update, but a welcomed one for sure. Thank you :grinning:

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I’ve been using Fira Mono for a few months now in roblox and have not yet misread a character, great switch for the default!


in the long run its beneficial, you can always change it if you want to, and dont like it.

Well, if its difficult for you (which isn’t for most people) then you can just simply change it in the settings… it only takes a few seconds so I don’t seem to find it annoying.

Fonts on the output window have very… annoying spacing. And the server/client tag is unreasonably fat.
Courier new on 9pt.
Compared to Arial on 9pt.

I was experiencing the former with the new font and it was making things extremely unreadable. Ended up changing off of it.


Studio settings, there is a option as font

Pretty good, I like this update

I am going to be still using Inter though, just a good font to me


I know this is funny but comic sans is actually an okay font, I can read it pretty well

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It’s more readable, making it the default for the script editor was a good change in my opinion.

It’s easily changeable to the old one anyways.

But the output font and spacing should have been left alone.


I like this, made it a lot easier to distinguish I from L in scripts, easier to read overall.

Looks fresh! Makes the code look cleaner and neat. I’m impressed!

It’s the small things that add up, and I greatly appreciate the effort that has gone into making programming less of an eye sore when doing so in longer sessions. Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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It was source sans pro, 9pt. Go to studio settings to change.


What’s up with your font rendering?

While I’m not a scripter, I do like seeing new fronts used when necassary. I have a hard time seeing and require glasses to often see small script. Roblox swapping to Fira has made it easier for me to write licences within my models and such and actually notice when I cause issues.

Minor, but good update nonetheless. It doesn’t break anything either, so 10/10.