New Default Code Font in Studio - Fira Mono

As mentioned here,

the people above are incorrect. The actual font for the output was source sans pro, with a size of 9. This just goes to show how quickly and thoroughly misinformation can spread.


ik there an option, obviously, but old one doesnā€™t look the same anymoreā€¦ :confused:
and, I preferred the old one soā€¦

lol so which it the old one then, because ā€œCourier Newā€ does not look like it whatsoeverā€¦

I would use this only if you also added a space between lines option. Lines are so close with this one.
Also output fontā€™s letters are so separate, I wish that was controlled too.

What is the default settings/ I donā€™t like this.

This doesnā€™t look right :confused:

Will this change of the default font also affect the Code font for in-game text (TextLabels)?

If it does, Iā€™ll have to change the font of all in-game text in a game Iā€™m making to keep the same feel. I donā€™t want to say any more about it than a cartoony font will be absolutely disgusting in a game like mine. I donā€™t want to give away any more spoilers!

Source Sans pro font size nine

Small suggestion: Can you show zoom level in script editor?
Sometimes it resets and itā€™s difficult to know how far you had zoomed in the text editor before, and then it all just feels wierd.

Itā€™d be nice if I could see in the corner that I have 80% zoom etc.

AH, thank you! i misread my own code fairly often especially with l1 O0 so this is gonna help a lot

The new font looks good. It definitely helps me distinguish between commas, periods, colons, and semi-colons better than the old font.

This feature made me remember that you could actually change the default font for some of studioā€™s things soā€¦ I present to you:

Scripting in the 1700s

In all seriousness, I do like the idea of being able to distinguish between 2 different characters more easily (like 1 and lowercase L) - though Iā€™m gonna pass since I like New Courier better. :+1:


I have a 4k screen, and I would probably appreciate the font if Roblox actually rendered 4k properly. It just looks like pixelated nonsense to me right now. Definitely switching back to Courier New.

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This is not a good update. Itā€™s unnecessary and makes the code look ugly and crowded.

I was first shocked thinking that my account got hacked and someone changed the font. After going through almost every font I found that it was Courier New earlier, I changed it back. Iā€™d actually prefer Courier New instead of Fira Mono for scripting, I donā€™t like that font, am just too much used to Courier New. Just my opinion.

How can I change the output font? Canā€™t seem to find it.

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Donā€™t really like it. I will be changing it, but thanks for the efforts! I think Fira Code will look better.

I overrode my font a while ago so, this change doesnā€™t affect me that much.

However, this is really weird.

VSCode has it to this when using Python:

Iā€™d prefer it to be the same color but, not bolded.

I personally think that this just makes my output look more cluttered. (I use custom script editor colors so that part doesnā€™t affect (effect?) me.) For some reason, the letters/numbers are both fairly wide and have a large amount of space between them. I would change it back to the old font for the output, but I donā€™t know how. I canā€™t even figure out how to turn on Dark mode for studioā€¦ Just for my scripts haha.

Just found this thread, didnā€™t even know it was changed.

I got this weird visual bug with the font too.