New Default Code Font in Studio - Fira Mono

Probably one of the best improvements made. I’ll definitely give this a go when I have the time. I’ve been having issues trying to differentiate between the 0s and Os for quite a while and with the additional distinctive features, this would probably help save me a lot of time trying to find typos and errors. Thanks!

This is a nice improvement, thank you!

Can someone help me change the Output font? I dont see any setting for it and the new font sucks

  1. Click file option in studio, located at the top bar.
  2. Click studio settings.
  3. Change the font given there.

I only find settings for the script editor not output

i really like the new font! It looks cleaner.

Look through Studio Settings → Studio (the first option in the sidebar) and scroll down you should found it there.

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Quite frankly, one of the most unnecessary and cluttered forced studio changes you guys did so far


It seems like this new font has ruined the look of the output completely, it adds some big spacing between each letter, so i’ve found a quick way to fix the issue, go to Studio Settings > Studio, scroll down all the way down till you see the output settings window, and change the font here.

The font and it’s size depends on you, but i’d recommend Consolas 10pt.


As someone who rarely scripts anything, I find this topic hilarious. I see almost no difference, while other people are freaking out.


Not forced by the way. You can change the font in the settings.

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it changes everytime i join the roblox studio and its weird bec i cant work like that

Yeah I have moved to VSCode because of this change - everytime I tried to change the font it went back.

This is a nice update! It is so clean and in my opinion it is better to read. Thanks!

JetBrains uses FiraCode, the (imo) better version of Fira Mono.
I believe I can post resources? This font is a resource.


looks really nice. will defenitly help.

it looks good, what do you mean?

To be honest. This should be the default font for studio


I don’t see this change as entirely necessary, but it will probably help people code faster.
Still, I’m sticking to the old fonts. The script editor looks too loud, and the output is basically broken.

Script editor: Courier New 10pt Regular
Output: Source Sans Pro 9pt Regular

It’s strange how the output now has a different default font from roblox studio itself. The output font looked exactly like the explorer window before.


It’s not forced, you can easily change it back to the way it was if you don’t like it. I’m not a huge fan of this font either either but I’m not complaining, as long as we have the option to configure it the way we want.