New In-Game Topbar

It’s alright, I would have rather had all transparent User Interface icons. I don’t know how I feel at this time however, it may grow on me.


Yay, it’s finally out! Because it was taking so long, I thought that we’d never get the update

The new topbar is nice and modern, although half of the Roblox community won’t like it on release, Roblox as a 14 year old game has to modernize at some point!

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to put it into perspective, and as lengthy as a response as i am possibliy able to:
Thanks, i hate it!

that being said, whats wrong with it? everything, it does not fit, it has this ugly offset again (what the hell, people at roblox) and it doesnt really fit in with the playerlist (as it was the original intention of it)


Just got it today, not sure if I like it or not.
It feels a little too simple, as if there’s something missing from it.

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I’m seeing some sort of new in-game topbar, but it looks nothing like this at all…

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It is a lot better than the old topbar from five years ago. I have tested this interface on phone as well and works a lot better than the old topbar would ever work. It is also simple and reliable.


I like the new top bar, It looks modern but my only problem is that the gladient in the Roblox logo looks wierd.
I give the new top bar a 8.5/10

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Whenever you open up the context menu you can’t pan your camera around at all.


Agreed. The low-resolution, cornered off buttons don’t match with Roblox’s PC design at all. It feels like I’m on a mobile phone.

And now that you mention it, I am noticing that really awkward, noticable offset.


This will be SOO convenient for players on mobile! There isn’t a black bar that renders a part of the screen useless anymore!


Inconvenient for people on PC though.


The CoreGUI is appearing on the loading screen and blocked the “X” button (cancel join)


I don’t like the new TopBar, it needs more improvements. Here is list:

  1. I keep getting those warnings
  2. This behavior annoys me a lot

Overall, if the TopBar gets improved, I am giving it 8/10. Good Job!


To be honest it looks really weird.
It didn’t fix the issue of UI not being generalized.
If you ask me it would have been better if an entire UI overhaul would happen, not sectioned, months delay between updates…

Top bar is gone. :slight_smile:
Fits more with the leaderboard

Doesn’t fit with the chat at all.
The Roblox Logo doesn’t fit with the gradient. If the other buttons are white, I feel like the Roblox one should be too.
It seems very empty, as other users already suggested.

Also it would be very hard to mimic the GUI now. The old one was easier to copy. As someone who works with GUIs a lot, I’d love if there would be a template for new buttons.

For the chat, I guess making the background transparent, or giving it round edges and moving it a bit from the left side, so it’d be in line with the Roblox button (Screenshot by Lightshot)

And by deprecated, does it mean that it simply doesn’t work, or will it pause any script that contains it to run an error?

Edit: Only now I noticed the new close menu button. Doesn’t fit at all. Maybe rounded edges?
Ngl looks like it’s been taken off Google Images. (Screenshot by Lightshot)


i think it’s a placeholder for the upcoming esc menu


How? It has the same functions as before, but just re-modeled. (The one that’s being tested/implemented right now)

To add on, when you open up the menu, you can’t interact with the game at all. I am not sure if that is part of it’s intended feature

We have a fix for these two bugs coming out soon.


Apologies, maybe inconvenient isn’t the right word.

I meant “unfitting”. The buttons remind me too much of mobile interfaces. The offset rounded buttons don’t fit on PC, that’s just my opinion.


Currently You Can’t Create Custop Exit Menus Due To RobloxCoreScript Security Blocking The Ability to do that.