[New Plugin!] Sign Generator! - Customize your own sign in Roblox Studio!

Hey Developers! I am proud to announce a new plugin for all of you to use!

I love feedback, but please keep it positive! No negativity!

About the Plugin

What’s the Plugin?
Its simple. You can create your own sign, and edit it! You can make your own text, and make your sign the color you want!

Will it be Updated?
Yes, some bugs may be found when In use. But we will be adding more features to it daily!

Is it Free, or does it cost robux?
It is 100% Free with no charge! It was made for the purpose to help future developers, not for profit. (Non-Profit Plugin)

Is it safe to have? Will it hack my game?
Nope! It is completely safe! No hacks or backdoors are in it! The Plugin is made by FunnelCreator. If you see any other version of this made by someone who isn’t FunnelCreator then don’t download it. Most likely it is not safe.

May I see a clip of how it works?
Sure! I made a video so you guys could look at it!

Last Question. What is the Overview of it?
The plugin has one function and that’s to edit your own sign and add it in your game. You may make changes to the sign at any point! It was created to help beginner developers learn and expand their knowledge on surfacegui! More features including text fonts, TextScaled, TextSize, ect. Will be Coming Soon!..

Watch our tutorial video!

We are hiring!

For those who would like to make a logo, and make better UI for the plugin you can submit your work my dming me on discord! I will gladly pay for Updates with UI and Logo’s!

Remember: The Plugin is still in Beta so bugs may appear. No worries! Feel free to contact me about bugs and such things in my discord server!

You can also message me on my main account! FunnelCreator!

Suggestions are appreciated!

Plugin Download:

Sign Generator! (Beta!) - Roblox

The Discord Server!

Element Productions! (discord.com)


Hello, the plugin looks really good, simple too use and has various of colors. Though you could change the layout of the GUI a bit more, make it smaller but that’s just my thought. Overall it’s really good, great job!


Thank you, I actually made some UI! Soon will be added! Also, thanks for the feedback!



Update: We will be adding fonts this week! Next week: Textures!


Do you have any more suggestions, or any ideas for features I could add?

Yes, you could add different sizes for the text sign, maybe add it do where it’s a billboard.

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Sounds like a good idea! I might also add where you can place images!

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Hey, I noticed you removed your comment! Would you have any suggestions for the plugin?

Maybe more detail as it’s a bit blank…?

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Please, explain how you would like it to look like a little more.

Hey, your plugin looks awesome but could you please remove the hiring and building tag off your post since they aren’t related.

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Yeah, I can do that right now!

The UI is an improvement to the original one, however most parts of the new one are too round. You may want to lower the corner radius on some parts of the UI.

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Alright! I’ll keep it in mind! Thanks!

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By the way, here is the new UI coming out soon! [New Plugin!] Sign Generator! - Customize your own sign in Roblox Studio! - #4 by FunnelDeveloper

Here is a better glimst of it, without having to click on the link!

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Looks alright. By the way, I recommend adding the font options dynamically If you haven’t done that. You can use Enum.Font:GetEnumItems() and add the textlabels incase a new font is added.

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That sounds like a good idea! Thanks for the feedback!

Hey actually we are hiring people. I forgot to tell you that.