New Roblox Fishing Game ("Fisch")

theres a bug where in old servers, boat acceleration and boat turning breaks.


itā€™s not necessarily a bug, itā€™s just that turning and acceleration are server-sided rather than client sided. since the server isnā€™t well optimized, bad things happen :eyes:


Congrats on reaching 100k concurrent players just 23 days after launch! Very impressive. Stands to show just how much you can do with this platform. Anything is possible. 150k by halloween?

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yup anything is possible


Played it yesterday with a friend for about 3 hours. Itā€™s really good and addictive, good job and congrats on the success!

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Did you do anything special in terms of advertising? Itā€™s incredible to me that you reached such a massive number of players. I guess once 1 big youtuber makes a video and that video gets popular, every other youtuber wants to make a video too.

Or is it just because the game is so addictive?


he didnt sell out. heā€™s a college student and managing the game is too much work for him while heā€™s working on getting his degree, so he sold like 70% of the game to Do Big, they will manage the game and add content while they get his input and stuff. he is still the owner of the game

also it makes logical sense, if you were in the same position and you knew that it was a win win for everyone (you get to focus on your degree, fans still play the same game its not like its plagued by corporate greed because you still have say in what goes into the game) you would sell the game.


TLDR: Do Big is not the owner. Nate is. Do Big is just now the primary scripters, modellers, etc, and they will share profits of the game with Nate, and they bought this right.


I played it upon release when it had 200,000 visits. Great job Nate. A few months prior I had played Fishing Simulator with a few friends who invited me and remember thinking it felt like it was made for young kids. It surprised me that it was the most popular fishing game on Roblox. Your game is high-quality in its aesthetic and mechanics, and really appeals not only to younger players, but even young adults.

Thanks @IceTheOneAndOnly for your post. Itā€™s good to acknowledge the background behind Nateā€™s thought process. I have nothing but respect and happiness for himā€”this is a great day for not only him but the entire dev community.

There is a lesson for us: Donā€™t look at low-effort games that blow up, for the days of their glory are numbered. You reap what you sow, and as Nate shows us, hard work and soul reaps success.


no2 on roblox well done! in just a couple months!

man said college degree when this guy is on 300k ccu bro can set himself up for is whole life now

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Yes, buuuuut, if he decides to drop out of college and this game dies, then bros done for. No education, no game, no financial knowledge(bc you didnā€™t go to college) your cooked.

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trust me before this game dies he will make 3m$+

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Again, no financial knowledge. Similer to people desperate for money, winning the lottery, then going broke.

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obviously hes not that stupid? he can code for sure he has a brain
he alrdy bought bv for 35k$ thats a right choice
i like his financial knowledge

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We fr canā€™t judge him or give him advice, he has a game with 400k cc players and we arenā€™t even heard of. Also if his game happens to fall off, he needs a backup. With an education, he has a reliable backup. And how would you know if he had any financial knowledge at all. Just because you can code doesnā€™t make you an accountant. To add on to this, he probably made big money selling 70% of his game to do big.

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How did you get 400,000 individual variations of fish?
Iā€™m genuinely curious, as I could definitely use something similar in my own game for a functionally unlimited variation of ghosts.

The gameā€™s good, but gets repetitive. Not really much to say, chill game.

Issues I Have


  • My inventory changes when I die or rejoin. Making the first three items automaticslly sort to the front is such a bandaid fix. Along with fixing this, if you do, there should be a setting to automatically sort fish, relics, and treasure maps (separately) into the backpack instead of my inventory. Sometimes I just like having only the essentials in there.

  • I just spent an entire day figuring out that the ā€œbugā€ preventing me from crafting had to do with my gemstones and items being favorited. This is not ideal as I favorited them to prevent them from being accidentally sold, and so does almost everyone else. It would be beneficial if you could craft rods with favorited items.

  • Softlock when fishing. Youā€™ve heard of it. This still happens.

  • Some fished items appear invisible, with certain ones being unusable (crates and depths keys mainly, which can also happen to some fish)

  • The prompt to get in our own passenger seats should not appear, as we can only drive our own boat, making it useless.

  • People can conch you out of The Depths, wasting your time. (add a prompt before using someone elseā€™s portal or something.)

  • The GPS should be a toggle, I shouldnā€™t have to hold the item every time. At least make it so that once the item is purchased, you can see coordinates in the bottom left if on in settings. Same with Fish Radar, Flippers, And Diving Gear. Iā€™m tired of enabling these on every server I join, they should be made toggles. Maybe ā€œEquipped Gearā€ for scuba and flippers or something, this would also probably give an excuse to add vanity, perhaps as a gamepass, so that we can wear diving gear/flippers and still have it not visible. This will also serve as a buff to the sunken rod and make it visible.

  • This is a pet peeve very much, but you can click the circles multiple times before they disappear and reappear.

Fixed Bugs/Issues

  • New fish, upon being put into the backpack, are not sorted correctly. Fixed, it takes a bit to sort.

  • People can distract and block your view with large fish. Thanks for listening Nate!

Suggestions I Have


  • Risky Rod/Plunder Rod
    You decide on the stats.
    Passive: Gain (noticeably) more progression speed inside the fishing bar, but even less outside the fishing bar. Sold at Forsaken Shores. (The scurvy rod is useless)

  • Rewarding Rod
    You decide on the stats.
    Adds a yellow area in the middle of the fishing bar where you get more progression speed, the fish will also be slower in this zone but have lower resilience. Donā€™t know where this would be sold but terrapin needs more love. (or forsaken)

  • Performance mode should be split into separate settings, for Shadows and Extra Details. With the new additions No Textures and No Fish Textures.

  • There should be a low (like 10%) chance, upon receiving an enchant, for it to be cursed (or super, or whatever). For example, Hasty can be a cursed swift, instead of just one being worse and doing the same thing. There can be a cursed insight (knowledgeable or something) that gives 2x XP (clever was made after this suggestion), etc.

  • Perfect catch bonus C$ should scale off the size of the fish, rarity, and resilience. Or a mix of the few.

  • Allow seeing lanterns rolled as a stat. I want people to know how fast I got a rare lantern (fairy, 3 rolls), just like how people want to know how fast they got Sunken Rod.

  • The appraiser should not unequip your item unless you get a mutation/modifier that is NOT Shiny or Sparkling (The appraiser cannot remove Shiny/Sparkling).

  • There should also be a setting or gamepass to Appraise Until (set by the player): High Weight, Certain Mutation, Shiny, Sparkling, etc. You can also use a combination of these, e.g. Appraise until Hexed, Shiny, Giant OR appraise until Mythical, Sparkling, Big. This should keep the same behavior for Shiny and Sparkling, so if the player gets it somewhere along the way but not the other factors, it should not remove them or unequip the fish.

  • The above suggestion can replace the Appraise Anywhere gamepass and allow for anyone to do that instead.

  • Money stolen upon death should scale with level. Itā€™s so hard to die in this game.

  • Aurora rod, during an Aurora Borealis, should be able to fish within lava and the brine pool. This is mainly my personal opinion but it would be cool to get aurora enchant on these fish, especially the Spectral Serpent.

  • Phoenix rod should be able to fish in lava.

  • Stylistic choice, but upon a rod being equipped, instead of just disappearing, the bobber should hang from it.

  • Allow Crafting using favorited items, as itā€™s always a deliberate choice to use materials to craft a rod. Itā€™s the same as holding a favorited item and selling it manually.

  • Let us fix multiple treasure maps at a time, but add a cost that isnā€™t linear, and scales based on the amount of treasure maps being fixed. Maybe like 10000 at the maximum of 20 (2x price).

  • Along with what I last said, let us do more things in bulk. I know this was done with bait crates, but it should also be done with Merlinā€™s luck, enchant relics, and other similar things.

  • Dialog with characters is too repetitive to me. Add an option to get straight to the point, e.g. skip straight to buying luck or enchant relics. Bonus points if you add a separate menu to purchase these so that we can do it faster.

  • Wisdom rod is useless for an endgame area and rod. Buff it. Being a rod used primarily for the purpose of getting XP, the stats shouldnā€™t be great, but you have to think about the GO-TO enchant being clever as opposed to something such as quality, making it, in itā€™s current form, ONLY good for people who use macros (and still not even the best) and bad for people who donā€™t. The maximum weight is great for ensuring you donā€™t catch the wrong things, as small fish currently give a decent amount of XP, however, everything else about it, including the passive, is just garbage.

  • If the Mutated enchantment is put on a rod with a passive mutation, e.g. aurora rod, mythical rod, sunken rod, midas rod, or trident rod, it should buff the chance of the mutation correlating to the rod.

  • Add a brightness and saturation slider, as opposed to the ā€œhigherā€ settings.

  • Add BloxstrapRPC.

Newest Suggestions

  • Anglerā€™s Rod (1/5/25)
    Description: A high-tier rod given by the angler upon completing (~)250 quests. Customly enchanted by Merlin for the Angler, you are more likely to fish up fish that the angler is looking for!
    Passive: About 50% more PREFERRED luck for fish the angler wants. That OR the preferred luck will start at 25% and go up by 5% to about 150% the more times you fish without catching it.
    High resilience and lure speed, low luck (maybe like 50% universal since the passive is supposed to carry.

  • Provide complete or more detailed update logs, if something related to a suggestion here is implemented, I want to know so I can update the post. (Dec 21, 2024 (pre kj update chaos))

  • Make moonstones easier to get, or better yet, donā€™t require gemstones whatsoever for full bestiary completion. (Dec 21, 2024)

Added Suggestions

  • Add a way to sort by favorites. Thanks for adding!

  • Sunken Rod should have a small chance to catch Sunken Fish. This is more of an added incentive to use it at any stage of the game instead of just mid-game, not to make it a money-making rod. Most people would not use this late-game as they are simply too lazy to open chests. This was added as of 1.10.0 (December 14), very surprised this got added tbh.

Formatted the post better, added a way to view new or recently updated suggestions seperately from older ones, also changed the location of the added suggestions/fixed bugs or issues towards the bottom of the list, and colored them differently to make space for other suggestions.

You are now able to see the last time this post was updated below, and Iā€™ll attach a date to new suggestions so you can see when they were suggested.

Last updated on 1/5/25. (Added: Anglerā€™s rod)

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looks great! itā€™s like sols rng but with actual gameplay mechanics! good job

Theres a bunch of hackers floating in midair

Screenshot 2024-11-21 181009

yes they are fishing all the way in forsaken in the 2nd image)

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