New Selfie Mode Developer Module

you can hide the game name via GuiService.ScreenshotHud.ExperienceNameOverlayEnabled, unfortunately you can’t hide the roblox logo right now


An option to keep certain UI elements unhidden would be nice - planning on implementing ScreenshotHud into Roblox Logo Generator but I’ll have to do some funky SurfaceGui trickery for that to work as of now.


This is a neat tool.

Makes in-experience image promo art a lot easier as well!





It seems that the screenshots taken in-game do not respect the device’s current orientation, which causes all the saved pictures to be in an incorrect orientation.


Nice release! I sadly don’t see anyone using this unfortunately, including myself.


Can I move the X button and Screenshot Button? I see from the screens that the Backpack is hidden but, in my game, even when I try to hide the backpack it still shows over the Screenshot button and X button. Anyway, I can just move the buttons in script or no?

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Seems a bit gimmicky, and like one of those features which will just be “there”.


Not gonna lie, as cool as it is, it’s honestly useless. What person uses the built in tools anyways? The target demographic knows how to screenshot on devices and use their preferred editing tool. We really need an overhaul of the built in screen recorder. It hasn’t been touched for like a decade and still outputs low resolution. I’d love to see this style adapted to it though.


Just wondering, can’t find any event for OnSelfieTaken or something similar, am I missing something? I have tested all events and nothing gives me anything close to it without going into the code and changing it.


This has an interesting concept, but my only question is, what would you and/ or the average person use this for? In my opinion, it’s kinda useless to implement this into a game when you could simply take a regular screenshot from your computer.

I think you all are forgetting the target market for this socialization tool. Young kids who are mainly on phones and tablets will be able to share screenshots that are easier to manipulate, and have features that a regular screenshot cannot do, like removing others from the shot, or applying a field of view blur around your character.

That said, its a nice addition to the develop modules that requires zero work on the dev end, meaning its free…its a plus… you dont have to use it but if you do it took zero effort.

Thanks Roblox.


so i love this but for the “ScreenshotHud” in gui service it would be really cool if you could get rid of the roblox overlay and the roblox icon in the top left because it really gets in the way
something like this >>

local GuiService = game:GetService("GuiService")
local screenshotHud = GuiService:WaitForChild("ScreenshotHud")

screenshotHud.Visible = true
screenshotHud.ExperienceNameOverlayEnabled = false
screenshotHud.RobloxLogoOverlayEnabled = false -- something like this

There is a bug with this module where resetting your character on mobile completely breaks all core ui such as the move panel, jump button and any ContextActionService buttons. Please look into this asap because my mobile players love this feature


We will be looking into this, thank you!


Unfortunately we cannot remove that while the module is open because leads to the reporting system! Therefore removing it would cause a policy issue


Is it not possible to display the menu to the player while taking the picture, but not have it displayed in the screenshot?


Well, if you would know what a screenshot means you wouldn’t be asking this.

A screenshot is taking a picture of your screen, pixel by pixel without any changes, so it’s basically impossible for them to do that without removing the button first from the player’s screen while they are taking the screenshot.

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I do not see a reason to include the roblox menu. Why not remove the menu button when you press the take screenshot button? It would be gone for less than a second while the user is waiting for the result. I do not see any reason for it not to be possible.

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Im assuming this would open up possibility for exploits.

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Hmmm i find this cool, i like the idea where did you even find this cool technology?