New Star Wars Game

Hello Developers I need some help. So I am building a new Game that i want to look like Star Wars. SO I came across a brief issue with the planet Takodana. If you are not a star wars person Takodana is the closet planet (in my opinion) to Earth. A few pictures might help.



So my question is we also know the standard Roblox water

Obviously some people get it like this

Clearly the Second Image is somewhat of a decal

My Question is (obviously in Roblox it wont be so nice) But is there a way i can make water closer or almost exactly like the water

**Again Obviously this is a movie and we are in Roblox so it wont be so so nice but is there a nicer plugin i could use or something? Or am i stuck with the water we have.

Thank You Everyone who helps c:

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Maybe change the colors of everything? I’m not very good at building or realism

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Are you using Roblox’s terrain water? If not, you could try using that or find a water on the workspace. I’ve seen some pretty good realistic water free models that work well!

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I refuse to use free models thank You. A friend of mine mentioned mesh deformation. Does anyone know about that?

Have you read this @Thenoob2pro_2022

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I honestly would try to play with the terrain water properties thoroughly before trying a different system. You can get it to look pretty darn close to your desired picture by playing with colors and transparency and wave size and lighting. Also you will still be able to interact with the water-- float, swim, drive boats etc. This can be done with the other systems but requires a lot of work.

Edit: if you still need a resource just go to YT and type in search “roblox studio make realistic water” and see what can be achieved very quickly.

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Thank You i will try messing with the properties of the water. Again this might be the closest i get for again. Its Roblox not a movie with 4d and the goal is also not trying to crash the pcs

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Yes and i have not seen many other systems that use the reflectance of water like the terrain water, and imo that is one of the more realistic properties of water.

Edit: and after you play with the water settings and u get closer to ur goal, move to lighting and change some properties there, esp in atmosphere and the main lighting object.