New Studio Beta: Attributes!

That’s great update, liked it. Seems useful.

Sweet now we have public variables like unity.

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Super excited to finally see this in beta. When this is live it will let me significantly clean up a lot of custom character properties and metadata that I just have kicking around in loose valueObjects.

My only concern with this is that after a quick test, it looks like accessing attributes is ~76x slower than accessing a value object. Will this be improved?
This looks much improved after a fix for this. Maybe only 2x slower on a negligible scale.

Also, there have been a few similar issues with QT interfaces and instances being deleted. Maybe this should be added to regular testing routine for new Studio features?


The Attributes can only be used in Studio until they are fully released. We intend to fix any major issues reported during the beta and will then release them so you can use them in published games.


YES, finally we no longer have to add a bunch of values!

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While seeing how fast this was, I almost died.


We’d like to have Attributes UI support in Studio for all of the types we support. This information is quite useful in figuring out what types we should focus on next.


When will attributes be enabled in-game?

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Not really considering they are still widely used for leaderstats and in other places and attributes still doesn’t support same values that valuebases do like object values. So I doubt they will deprecate them anytime soon without addressing these issues.

thanks Roblox for getting this out, my game has masses of db data and as such have been using instances of modules for class based data. This new Attributes system, will make my coding much more structured and easier to understand LOL. Keep up the excellent work

Tables : For those that want Table, for now i use String in json format then convert to and from string to table using “HttpService”. So would be good to know the max string value possible

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It would be cool if instead of the label “Attributes” we could make multiple with custom names, so that you could easily sort large amounts of attributes.



Guys anyone know what security this thing follows? It looks Replicated and you could simply changes these values on client

now this is sick. but i have a suggestion!

instead of using things like get attribute set attribute etc., you guys should make it work like script.parent.AttributeName = something etc.

or have them both idk ¯\__(ツ)_/¯


I 100% agree here, but I feel like if InstanceName.AttributeName was practical, they would have opted for it instead of the get/set methods that we’re getting. My guess is that there are limitations that would have made this kind of implementation either very difficult or impossible without reworking other things.


Oh my god.

This is incredibly useful, thanks so much

Thank you!!! I have been waiting for these for a VERY VERY VERY long time!!! I can’t wait to replace my ModuleScripts that act as a configuration with these new attributes!

This is a really, really cool feature… My only question is when will custom Instance functions be supported. I would love to be able to create a function in a script that could be accessed through an Instance. This could be accomplished via tables, but we don’t have those yet either.

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It’d be cool of we could make subcategories under the conventional attributes section. That way you could separate attributes based on their function. For instance, a sword could have a category for damage and a also category for moves.

Also, we need attributes to support CFrame and Objects! A lot of the time I use CFrameValues to easily save CFrames but attributes would clean that up big-time. I also use ObjectValues a lot and attributes seem like they’re perfect for holding references to certain instances.

Apart from that, I’m excited to see where attributes go


No, please don’t change the nil behaviour. Checking if an attribute is nil is way easier and cleaner lthan pcall-ing. If that behaviour is really needed, another method (or an argument to the function) should be added that makes it error.


I can’t believe it. It’s been such a long time since attributes functions were added to studio. I can’t believe it now became a beta feature. They are going to be so usefull in oop.

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