New Studio Start Page

Hmmm ok. So maybe just a simple log out and log back in is all it took? Thanks for reporting back. :pray:


+ A studio restart, as just logging out and back in didn’t fix it on it’s own. Happy to help.


I found a fix (It worked for me). I restart the windows explorer in task manager (The image)
Screenshot 2024-10-03 163208
It worked after I did this (I restarted it 3 times but didn’t check each time)


I have been using the new layout for a little bit now and I definitely think it’s an improvement. I especially like the single click to load an experience.

My main gripe though is that the recent experiences are unusable for me, because I hardly ever work in the starter place of an experience. I wish it was recent places instead of recent experiences.

Also, minor note, the hitbox for the dropdown in list view is way too small. That entire left side should register the dropdown with the middle and right side of the entry actually loading the place.


Once the Place Templates were a full grid expanded view, now it’s just left and right D:

Where the newest is always at the last position on right, but if you don’t go right you’ll never know nor see it.

And if you spam the right arrow navigaton button will disappear once you reach the end, so you’ll mistakly open up a Template Game D:


Great notes. Thank you.

The quick Recents is supposed to be any recently opened place (including local files) and this is also what we’ll show in the recents tab. I’ll double check with the team we are properly logging child places.


Yeah I also have an issue with the scroll and mis-click thing.

We show the full grid on the Templates tab. I’ll double check on what’s controlling the sort order. Wouldn’t newest first be better though?

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If the Baseplate is not at the 1st Position, then it’s not good.

This new studio interface is amazing, however I absolutely hate the fact that the experiences page does not load. I have to manually go to and open the experience from there.

I hope a patch gets rolled out soon! Once again, love the update Roblox! :heart:

Baseplate is persistent all the time :slight_smile:



Select Default Template Option? :open_mouth:

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Try logging out of Studio and back in again? It’s a bit of a random issue so just because you’re seeing it doesn’t mean you’re “stuck” with it.


If the new Start Page prevents you from accessing all the Studio Tools, you can locate the Roblox Studio folder and create a file in there with the path ClientSettings/ClientAppSettings.json and insert

    "FFlagEnableLuaStartPage2": false

This will disappear at every Studio update, so if you still encounter the issue you can repeat the steps until one day an update will fix it. :person_shrugging:

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I like it! How about making (and sharing!) your own templates :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


Sounds great, and would sound even super great when they release Snippets with shareable snippets :wink:


I’ve done that already, plus reinstalling studio. I really want to try out the new update!

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I am surprised that the Start Page doesn’t receive OTA (Over-The-Air) updates like a few other Studio Components :thinking:

I am not even sure how a user can know that an OTA Patch was applied.


Yeah reinstall and reboots won’t help since it’s not a local/client issue. :sob: What about switching accounts?

We need to do a little bit more work to be OTA compliant but it’s high on the list!