New Studio Start Page

Baseplate is persistent all the time :slight_smile:


Select Default Template Option? :open_mouth:

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Try logging out of Studio and back in again? It’s a bit of a random issue so just because you’re seeing it doesn’t mean you’re “stuck” with it.

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If the new Start Page prevents you from accessing all the Studio Tools, you can locate the Roblox Studio folder and create a file in there with the path ClientSettings/ClientAppSettings.json and insert

    "FFlagEnableLuaStartPage2": false

This will disappear at every Studio update, so if you still encounter the issue you can repeat the steps until one day an update will fix it. :person_shrugging:

I like it! How about making (and sharing!) your own templates :open_mouth: :open_mouth:


Sounds great, and would sound even super great when they release Snippets with shareable snippets :wink:

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I’ve done that already, plus reinstalling studio. I really want to try out the new update!

I am surprised that the Start Page doesn’t receive OTA (Over-The-Air) updates like a few other Studio Components :thinking:

I am not even sure how a user can know that an OTA Patch was applied.


Yeah reinstall and reboots won’t help since it’s not a local/client issue. :sob: What about switching accounts?

We need to do a little bit more work to be OTA compliant but it’s high on the list!


Oct-03-2024 16-57-57


This looks great! Thanks for continuing to ship while also taking feedback.

One small bug I noticed is it appears the menu button gets moved from the expected location off to the right when a game name is long. Let me know if you have trouble reproducing and I can send you more details in DMs.


meshofpaul might actually be the new goat staff member after this thread


Literally. Name one other engineer you’ve seen interact with (like/reply to) every SINGLE comment in an update thread, with so much humor as well. He needs a raise.



maybe we can convince him to remove the like limit :thinking:


Agreed. I’d be happy to email meshofpaul’s boss right now and tell him to give him a raise.


Why do you guys keep trying to make studio’s interface more and more for a touch screen device, UI elements do not have to be this big, and I don’t know what it is but the new UI genuinely hurts my eyes to look at.

And why is text so THIN, I get most roblox engineers use MacOS so they don’t have this problem so its harder to notice, but on windows devices thin text is extremely hard to read.

On top of that, I am seeing worse performance than the old UI when scrolling, I can sometimes freeze for up to 2 seconds randomly when scrolling, if one of the main reasons for this update was performance, then more care needs to be put into it.

And for the love of god why is there so many inconsistencies in padding

The experiences page is also really horribly designed, everything feels just crammed together with no difference to easily find what you are looking for (Ex: Group Games no longer shows an image of the group icon next to the selector)

Another thing is the list view, why in the world was it changed to where you now need to click on a TINY little button to see the subplaces, in the old UI you just clicked on the place once and you could see them all WITH IMAGES (which is NOT in this version), Why are descriptions centered vertically too, I want to see the first part of the description, not the middle which is usually just whitespace. Why is there no sort either in list view, it moves the buttons around when switching between list view and regular view for no reason.

Also, why does it refresh the page every time I switch tabs, just keep what was previously fetched in there and refresh it in the background, or you know, just add a button???

You do state this is not the final version, and if that’s true then why do you guys not put it behind a beta feature like you did with the next gen studio UI (which I also dislike for some of the same reasons)

I hope to see these issues fixed soon, as they just make studio even more annoying to use, especially when it comes to opening a place, right now I keep opening random places I did not mean to open, which irritates me a ton.


Interesting update, only thing so far I’d change is how short you are allowing place names to be, I have multiple games that will also have a testing place and the first thing I will normally write is the game name, so I can’t see if it says testing or not.


Nothing major but the cards have different border radiuses when not loaded vs fully loaded, same goes for the place image inside the card too.
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