New Studio Start Page

it’s nice but it sometimes I have to mash spam click on a place to get it to open. also no button for quickly creating a new place directly under a group

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I love the new UI. One piece of feedback, though:

Clicking on a place doesn’t show any immediate loading visuals. This is an issue, because I’m not sure if I clicked correctly or not, and I just have to wait 5-10 seconds to see if anything happens to click again.

Another thing: could the “Recent Experiences” sort have 2 rows instead of 1? In my case, I have several unique places that I switch between relatively often, so this would be more beneficial than having the templates sort immediately on my screen.


Do you ever see a future with a customisable layout for studio? For example, I don’t plan on opening templates besides a baseplate for a while, or discover the studio, why not give developers the option to hide stuff like this and change it to a group games view or even have a pinned games option for easier access?

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Or is it because this is a part of the new UI?

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Oh no! These latest studio updates have broken Building Tools by F3X plugin!
Cannot duplicate/delete parts.

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This is a problem. Why is this not natively scaling? Looks messed up with this super ultrawide formfactor!


The announcement is a bit late, a day I have wake up start studio and get new page… But cool

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this was completly great its so next gen, like the next gen studio UI


How did you upgrade it? I want it! lol

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I use to use F3X all the time! I switched to Studio Build Suite ( and absolutely love it! You should give it a try! So much easier with integration into the keyboard while building too.

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Cool, but anyone else having the issue where the experience buttons don’t open up the experiences sometimes?

Restarting studio fixes it.

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Love it! I have been very excited to see advancements to the Next Gen Studio UI. I can’t wait for the entire program to be revamped and look more professional and modern.


Anyways, very clean update!


Currently having this problem myself, I’ve tried restarting Studio multiple times and even tried logging out and back in again, nothing has worked. The Experiences tab also does not load anything even after several minutes, but the Home tab loads just fine.

Edit: Just tested the Archive tab and it does not load, either.
Edit 2: finally got a game to load, it took ~5 Studio restarts, which should not be the case

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Anyone know how to get the old one back?


The first thing I tried to do on the home tab was scroll horizontally through the recent experiences to get to the one I wanted. But no you can’t actually do that. Instead, you have to press the “see all” button and then scroll down through the experiences, or press a little arrow button. Even then the arrow button only reveals one extra experience. What is the point of that, just reduce the tile size and you will have all 5 there. I keep pressing it to continue scrolling but it just disapears and I end up opening the 5th recent place.

What even is the point of the templates list on the home page. It only shows 5 templates out of the 14. Honestly the home page is useless, and should be removed. The experiences page should be the default one, and the “Discover Studio” section in the main menu can just be its own tab on the left like experiences templates and archives. And should be at the bottom, and not be the default page.

The experience tiles are just too large, allowing less to be on the screen at once. The old interface had lots of experiences on the screen at once, which made this so much easier. If some people like the bigger icons, well compromise and give us a setting to change the size.

I dislike the hijacking of my scroll wheel. When scrolling, it takes big steps instead of just directly scrolling as I do. When I tell studio to scroll in a list, it should just do that, not think about it and add its own fancy stepping behaviour that doesn’t even align experiences with the top of the list consistently as you scroll, leading to weird offsets and half a tile being cut of. So actually, it’s harder to find experiences now.


I agree with everything you’ve said here. Why does the “new age” of UI seem to just be transplanted fluffly mobile UI. They talk about fixing performance issues and proceed to have everything fancy and animated (makes the experience feel really slow too).


Totally agree! Under the “+New file”, there should be a drop down “Start from template” or “Open New File”. The templates page is absolutely useless.


I love the new design, but 2 things stand out to me currently.

  1. Although you mentioned plans to access sub-places, I do wish you would also add the list layout as it was much more compact and easier to navigate for larger projects.

  2. The background grey is rather blue-shifted, which I personally think make the UI feel cold and uninviting.

Other than that I love the new layout, it certainly looks a lot more modern and thus more professional than the older out-dated version! :smile:


Thank you!! This looks so much better than the last update.