New Studio Template - Baseplate 2021

This looks great! I’m glad to see studio getting this revamp. The baseplate didn’t fit with any other templates, and it just seemed old. Not old anymore!

P.S Can we please get this for “Flat Terrain” too? :pray: :pray:


Not bad, but honestly I dont like that lighting

Not bad but why

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Its probably a Roblox Studio bug

did the same thing, now i can see stars and the moon in the daylight


Already putting it to use, greatly appreciated as always!


The 1 metre = 20 stud scale was only true back in 2012 with this blog post.
Most people now say 1 stud is either 0.28, 0.3, or 0.34 metres. All of these scales work better for modelling humanoids.
This doesn’t fix the fact that the gravity is still really high (54m/s^2) and humanoids’ jump height is also really high (>11 metres if on 9.8m/s^2 gravity) because they never skip leg day Although there is a “realistic” preset in Studio Game Settings, which simulates an athletic human and real world gravity. The numbers for jump height, speed, and gravity all match up to standard human abilities here as well.


Could the gray area of the bottom be a blue gradient like at the top? Since making it white doesn’t look as nice as grey it would be nice if it was blue. I tested it out a bit though by editing the side and bottom texture’s. It doesn’t look good but it was good enough to roughly test the lighting impact. The only change is that it makes everything a tiny bit more blue and a tiny bit more brighter though it isn’t much.
Heres a before and after


It just would be a lot better if the bottom wasn’t grey because it doesn’t look that great. Mainly cause if you had an obby in the air it wouldn’t look that good at the bottom or flight simulator and you go high up and becomes really foggy it also wouldn’t look that good and a bit strange if it was grey. Also could the ambience outdoor and indoor be set to black so there isn’t any? Ambience is unrealistic and it might confuse new devs on why their room isn’t fully pitch black.


Looks great, been using it for a new thing.

But please don’t remove the default one, as I’d like to turn back to see what the default settings are whenever I try to do something with lighting.

I have a few opinions on this.

  1. I really hope that the classic baseplate will not be removed. Move it to the back and call it legacy, sure, but please don’t remove it.

  2. The new baseplate is a sleek, modern looking baseplate that will probably be more friendly to new developers. However, it lacks the blank slate feeling of the original baseplate. The reason that most developers use the baseplate template instead of the terrain template is that they want a completely blank slate. We don’t need extra lighting or a new skybox. The original baseplate was perfect, albeit a little dated. It was a part in a void that told you “go make something.”

Anyway, this new baseplate is pretty cool I guess.

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this is great! im so happy that pbr/more modern lighting settings are on by default, hopefully more devs will use it as a result of this. nothing to say, but great job.

It seems that MouseButton1Click isn’t working on mobile but only on this template. Is it supposed to be like that?

I genuinely don’t understand what’s so different about the 2021 baseplate,

Was it really necessary to make it a thing?

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Looks pretty neat. Reminds me alot of the “Baseplate Upgrader” plugin by @Sweetheartichoke


Yup. The new grid support parts on grids much better. It was ment to support pbr much better and looks much better. It looks much more professional. And it helps expose newer devs to newer features. The regular one started showing its age.


U dont have to use this baseplate, the old one is still selectable in studio.

This is what I mean by the baseplate changing:

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To add to my last post, I’ve come up with 4 surfaced mini-baseplates for you to compare

Old Roblox surfaces are nice, the new baseplate is nice, mix them together and you get something twice as nice!

I’m loving this update


That looks really good actually.

Very nice to see, can’t wait to use it!

Out with the old, in with the new. It looks amazing.

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Hello there,
I am glad that @Roblox did something update like changing the baseplate! The old baseplate looks like very lego type and it gave roblox a very bad vibe. But after changing the baseplate it looks very professional with the new additional components!

I also notice that if you high your graphic to 10. Your game looks like very realistic! But if you low your graphic like 1 or 2. It doesn’t effect your game that much but it still gives a good vibe!

With Low Graphic:

With High Graphic:

I just wanted to say thanks once again to the community for making a update like this and give us a chance to give feedback!

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Interesting. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.