(New Studio UI Beta) Ribbon Tooltips Are Buggy

I’ve had a lot of visual bugs with the tooltips in the new studio UI.

  1. Tooltip is sometimes too small for the content inside of it.

  2. Tooltip can extend off the edge of the screen. If this causes it to stretch onto another screen with higher scaling, it causes the entire tooltip to be misaligned and upscaled.

  3. Tooltip is sometimes visible over top of other programs and stays there even after I move my mouse. This has only happened once so far and I haven’t been able to reproduce it.

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To add onto this, apparently tooltips do not reverse their direction when close to the edge of the screen, so they just get cut off:

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Yep this is a known issue we have a ticket on. Thanks!

Yeah this is a brand new system so there’s some rough edges we are working on. I know some fixes went out with the recent release. Currently getting confirmation those went live.


I’m still having issues with the tooltips. They seem to frequently get in a glitched state where they don’t disappear and it causes major performance issues in Studio until you hover over the button again to get them to go away. They also still, somehow, appear on top of other applications.


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Yeah we have multiple fixes staged up to go live with this week’s release. Thanks for reporting!


Can you confirm these are out now? :slightly_smiling_face: Really excited

Release went out late yesterday and we waited overnight to make sure it would stick. Flags for the fixes will get flipped today. :crossed_fingers:


Out yet? Have been waiting patiently… :sob: on version 651 right now

We had a patch release overnight for Mac Studio and Player so that set flag flips back a bit. Dev team says tomorrow :crossed_fingers:

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This flag is fully rolled out as of this morning @bvetterdays


Thanks so much for keeping me updated. Improvements are working well so far, will keep an eye out for any further issues :slightly_smiling_face:

I must’ve been under the placebo effect when I said this because after further use, nothing has changed… this is truly killing me :sob:

Finding it super hard to believe the flag has been rolled out to me. Can you let me know which one it is so I can double check? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Bummer! It should be StudioRibbonHideOldTooltips3

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Confirmed the flag is turned on but the issue persists and I haven’t noticed any changes in tooltip behavior (ex. them being more responsive) either, leading me to think that there’s an issue with it actually enabling for me. Anything you guys can do? Might ask around to see if others have the same issue.

Ribbon tooltips have been working correctly for me but this did pop up today:

(I think “Error getting metadata for related place” is actually a separate unrelated error)

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Confirmed that other users are also still experiencing these issues. Can you please look further into this?

Yeah there’s some fixes in but there’s a known issue with the main window not letting us know when it loses focus that’s going to take a bit more time.

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