@RBLXImagineer Are there any plans to allow developers to recolor specific parts of terrain? Maybe we want green water in one area, blue in another. Or greener grass in one area, greyer in another.
That can be done via scripting, so I doubt they’d go through the trouble to make water terrain have the option to have different colors with a few clicks and presses. Though that would be nice… Note that regular terrain (so not water) can not have its color changed with scripts
It cannot be done via scripting. There is no way to have two different shades of water (or any terrain color).
You can change the color of the water when a player enters a certain region. That’s what I meant atleast
312969221, I have permission from the owner as he does not have devforum access as far as I can tell. Thanks in advance.
I feel like glass should have a set of modifiers to blur/sharpen and add your own normal or bump maps to distort the view. But unfortunately, Roblox has said that blurring UI would be too performance intensive and perhaps the same thing could be said with glass.
I barely used Terrain, I mostly used “Poly Terrain” or “Part Terrain” However, I’d like to Opt in my game, and see how the new terrain fits in. Great update.
(I own the group and the game it’s just put in the group as we work as a team now)
AMAZING. I cannot wait to work with the new materials. This will be fun. A suggestion though, maybe let the developers also add their own textures? just an idea.
This will be amazing for car games and showcases, etc. Cant wait to see what people do.
I would like to opt into the beta. These new built-in materials and terrain look amazing!
Opt-In Place ID: 1985293888
Does anyone know if Roblox is actively enabling people who put their places down for opt in right now or have they yet to respond?
I would love to opt-in! This sounds amazing, and I might need a new road or sidewalk texture for my game. Place Id: 4825524094
Is there any chances we will be able to edit the properties (for example the color) of an area that we selected or maybe using a brush to change them manually in the future?
One instance I can give is how the grass blocks change color in Minecraft depending on the biome you are in but still being the same material:
Of course I’m not referring to adding biomes in Roblox but being able to shift the colors or other properties on materials without affecting other places that the same material was used at. (if for example someone wants to make an open world map or something similar.)
I think that should be coming like early next year
Many people will find this new update very interesting and useful towards future builds, thank you to all at Roblox for supplying us with this really cool update!
I would love to opt into the beta. These new built-in pbr materials and terrain look wayyyy to good to pass up!
Opt-In Place ID: 5993724989
This. Is. AMAZING!
I’ve always been having to use my own textures to get my game to look at how I need it to, but now I don’t need to do it!
These materials will operate similar to the current ones, meaning lower end devices will drop some of the PBR maps for performance. In a nutshell, they’ll work the same way.
We’re still working on this! Part of the update to the terrain decorators required us to update our base materials so they really shined. Keep an eye out for that announcement in the future.
Custom material support for developers is in the works as well. With this, you’ll be able to recreate any particular style you want, and still tie it to the material properties in terrain. Keep an eye out for that announcement in the future!