Looks amazing I already what to get my hands on them all, new decoration types for moving flowers would be top notch. New Rock Materials for hill and mountains would also be amazing to see.
There is an intent to add more wood materials to cover more needs, including for parts! You’ll be able to compare materials in the beta when it releases!
Is the changing of the names of the materials going to make games that are not updated unplayable?
How do you opt in? As stated in this post you said “its opt-in” and “you have to apply” for it in the same paragraph, its quite confusing This material update will be part of an opt-in beta initially. You will have the option to turn it on in Studio and see their impact on your games. We will also take applications for whitelisting places so you can publish your game with the new materials for users to see!
Has smoothing terrain become any different? Personally I find it difficult to get a result that doesn’t look weird and bumpy, like you can see the individual layers used.
Wow! This looks good! I cannot wait! I can wait. This will be really nice to have for roleplay game developers. Looking forward to seeing what will be done with this. I hope we have more features for terrain in the future!
Hey, I would like to ask if would be plausible to be able to utilize terrain grass on normal parts. Currently our studio’s game puts terrain under normal parts, which caused really bad LoD, as Roblox tries optimizing stuff out.