[NEW-THEME] Change Colour Scheme [Navbar, Buttons, Links etc]


In the new theme, almost everything is bright blue. However, I feel like players should be able to customize the colour to be one of their own (from a selection of colours, of course). Even if this is BC only, I feel like players should be able to make the website have a touch of their own personality (and some have sensitive eyes):



Maybe OBC members can have a bigger selection of colours and/or can customize their background? And maybe non-OBCers cannot choose black unless they are OBC.

PS Shout to master3395 for first mentioning this :wink:



I love the red theme, full support on this, I am sure a lot of others will like it :smiley:


The red one feels so Robloxy.


I agree - makes me wonder why they decided to move to blue for the site color when ROBLOX has traditionally has had a red/black/white color scheme.


I’m curious as to why Home, Profile, Character, and Inventory have special colors when you hover over then and the others don’t.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)[/quote]

Hahahah the Ripull theme :wink:

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Sell them for tickets so we can get them out of the economy.

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I don’t think this will happen – the designer behind a lot of the site redesign is against themes which is why obc people have noticed they now have the blue colours and iirc will soon just have the same thing as everyone else.

Regardless, you can just do this yourself with a stylesheet-overriding chrome extension.

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This’d be pretty rad. It could even work like Twitter does, and have the color change to whatever a player has set when you’re on their profile.

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I’d have mine dark colours because I hate bright colours at night time like a dark cherry red and if possible change the background colour from white to dark colour again.

This is ideal for me might not be for you but I like it just might need to change some text colours

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[quote] I’d have mine dark colours because I hate bright colours at night time like a dark cherry red and if possible change the background colour from white to dark colour again.

This is ideal for me might not be for you but I like it just might need to change some text colours


goodness gracious me

In all seriousness, I believe only OBC members should have this if it goes as far as that

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[quote] I’d have mine dark colours because I hate bright colours at night time like a dark cherry red and if possible change the background colour from white to dark colour again.

This is ideal for me might not be for you but I like it just might need to change some text colours


goodness gracious me

In all seriousness, I believe only OBC members should have this if it goes as far as that[/quote]
No you can’t just restrict to OBC that’s insane for the option of changing the colour of the site ONLY for yourself? I’d understand BC but OBC is just a joke. That’s the “developers” membership and developing has nothing to do with your personal style theme, could easily do what I want for free if I was able to write an extension.

Colours and themes help stylize the site to your personality many sites do this for free anyway, it welcomes them to that personal feel and often results in more time on the site.

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[quote] [quote=“anon80475429” post=118798]-snip-

goodness gracious me

In all seriousness, I believe only OBC members should have this if it goes as far as that[/quote]
No you can’t just restrict to OBC that’s insane for the option of changing the colour of the site ONLY for yourself? I’d understand BC but OBC is just a joke. That’s the “developers” membership and developing has nothing to do with your personal style theme, could easily do what I want for free if I was able to write an extension.

Colours and themes help stylize the site to your personality many sites do this for free anyway, it welcomes them to that personal feel and often results in more time on the site.[/quote]

Alright, BC, but I greatly believe the developers won’t let you go as far as that. :durrr:

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They already do let him go as far as that. Anyone can do it with an extension.

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In the meantime, enjoy this:


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Why has ROBLOX not made the bars red yet?

It looks so good…

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[quote] In the meantime, enjoy this:

http://pastebin.com/SbkxuxR2 [/quote]
Question is this a google chrome extension? Just to check and how 2 install pls

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[quote] In the meantime, enjoy this:

http://pastebin.com/SbkxuxR2 [/quote]
Question is this a google chrome extension? Just to check and how 2 install pls[/quote]

It’s a Tampermonkey userscript - install the Tampermonkey extension here and then add the script by pressing the script with the + sign, pasting the code in (overwrite any previous code), and then saving.

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I got Stylebot (extension) and this’ll have to do for the time being.

Unliquified the liquid games page. Look:

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