New Trades Page - Available for All Users

Thanks, this was something that I was very confused about.


I think there should be an option to return a trade within 5 minutes.


This bug is fixed now, thanks for the report!


Originally when attempting to trade with roblox via: Login would redirect back to the home page for reasons I assume are affiliated with botting.

However, the new trade page allows you to view all of Roblox’s limiteds as there is no redirect back to the home page: Login

Was this intentional? Or has it most likely been forgotten?

also please add more trade slots



Heyo! I’m a long time trading enthusiast, so as soon as I learned about this update, I began messing around with trades and experimenting a bit with this new page. However, I’ve run into a few issues so far. I was about to mention the inability to counter or decline some trades, but it’s great to hear that’s been fixed! However, I’m not finding the above quoted message to be the case for me. I had a friend send me a trade with the purple crazy glasses and then sell the item so I could attempt to counter the trade later and view the new prompt. However, I’m finding that no such prompt displays. I’ve attached a video of the issue below.

Another bug I have come across is that on my device (which is a laptop with a 4:3 screen resolution, believe it or not :flushed:) the trade window does not fit to the screen in the same way as the screenshots on this thread do. I think this is an issue because besides making it more tedious to navigate the user inventories, making the process inconvenient, I believe having page fit match other devices is important for equal compatibility across all devices, no matter their screen aspect ratio. I’ve attached a screen cap of this issue below.

The last bug I have to bring up is that the “open” and other equivalent statuses for inbound, outbound, completed, and inactive trades fail to load and instead display currently as “unknown” across the board. It’s a small bug but I figured I would include it in my post as well. A screenshot of an example of this is below.

Overall, I think this update is great to see because prior to, it had been approaching 8 years without the page being improved or changed in any way. As others have said, the fact that the new page swapped the giving and receiving sides of trades is confusing and I imagine will confuse some newer and long time users alike and cause them to accidentally accept trades skewed towards them losing. Another thing mentioned a lot in these replies is that users (including myself) would like to see more slots added to be used for trading items, as currently in the trading scene, many scams are rooted by users agreeing to a deal with 5 or more items on one side, and the opposing user flaking out on the trades that would fulfill that deal. Adding unlimited (or even say increasing the cap from 4 to 10) trade slots would relieve or even completely eliminate this long time issue. I am greatful to see this update and hope to continually see more support and QOL improvements added to the trading feature. Thank you for bearing with me and reading my long post!


Looks nice. Now all that’s left to do is update the development page & the library to work with the new UI.


That’s not a good idea. If you trade for something and the trade gets accepted, and you immediately trade for something else with those items in the past trade and that second trade gets accepted, but the other person wants to reverse the first trade, what do you do?

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Not sure but I was talking more on the lines of somebody just got scammed and wants to return the trade basically not planning to do another trade.

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Another bug report:
I’ve noticed if you have several trades inbound, it eventually stops showing inbound trades if you decline them:

One more thing, I’ve also noticed if you idle on a trade page when you’re going to send something, it doesn’t let you send anything until you refresh the tab (occasionally).


So glad that it also finally says “Decline” on the button when declining a trade, I always panicked and was like, “Um, did I select the right option?”


Love the modern page layout. And finally supports Dark Mode! Flows nicely in dark mode.


Just wanted to note, you can’t do this to other users with private inventories, only the Roblox account.

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Hey there. I am not sure if others have said anything about this, but here we go;

I do not really like it. Yes, it is nice to see some new UI, but i do not really like how i can’t check my sales and what i have bought there. I liked the way it worked before, as it was easy, and it made somewhat sense in having them in the trade tab.

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More slots would be very good to prevent scams, for example if you want an item that isn’t in range with your top 4 items you’d have to sent multiple trades and that’s where lots of scams happen.


Just click the :robux: icon on any page then click on ‘Robux’. Then, it will take you to the transactions page.

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This looks really great! I like this a lot and it definitely gets a 10/10.

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I just checked and it looks like the trade view uses the inventory API to load items. See below:

The inventory API uses pagination like a bunch of other roblox APIs so maybe they do not want it because they have pretty restrictive ratelimits in place already. The item reseller api ratelimit for example can be hit by a normal user pretty easily. I imagine infinite scrolling would be easy to implement through a Chrome extension given that the ratelimit is generous.

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How do I become a beta tester?


@tijoe98 Enroll in the Roblox Beta Program

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I only see one issue with this. Where do we go to view our summary now for sales and pending robuxs ect.?