Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

This is the future we are working towards. Right now toolbars are pretty well concentrated in the ribbon tabs but with the new architecture, it will be possible to have toolbars in other places. No ETA on that functionality though. We have tons of work to do just getting the core UI up and ready for prime time.


Hello! I like the way you’re thinking and yes we will have cool new ways for plugins to integrate with Studio. We will start working on documentation later this year when we think the new UI will be stable enough to start documenting. But for now we need the flexibility to make major changes/updates without the burden of updating docs or dependencies.


Are you talking about this? If so, it’s in that split button drop down.



One thing I’d love to see is a way to dock widgets to the side like you can with other windows on Windows 10/11. This is especially useful when working with UI as I can have a UI storybook/visualizer plugin on one side of the screen and my code editor on the other. Which, you can currently do at the moment, but you have to manually resize the widget window to fit your screen.

Example of usecase:

Also, I encountered a crash randomly when moving a widget that I unfortunately (fortunately?) can’t reproduce, in case that’s worth looking into


Want to mention that the contrast when hovering the corner against the highlighted button background is too low, the corner highlight is totally invisible and I keep misclicking due to this.


it hover stsy now if you close a place in some way the webrowser manage it to override the gui


Surely you remember how long it took you to get proficient in Studio?

Not very good, but i think when i firstly tried studio, if i got link in past to documentation with tutorials, i will learned faster all functions of studio, not only what every button do, so maybe you should add link to documentation in studio for new developers. :grinning:

I wished it were that simple. The current UI doesn’t just have bugs, it has fundamental flaws in it’s architecture that make it a pain to work with, incredibly easy to make poorly performing code, and simply wouldn’t support some functionality creators have been requesting for several years. This was the right decision.

Ok, cool. Only one thing what i want ask is make full release only when bugs will be fixed and UI will be finally done. Like hold full release for ~ 2 weeks when UI will done to get all bugs, Please.

Also make Check marks blue and while Tools selected in “Physical” make it orange.

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There’s another project going live soon that will be oriented around more documentation and resources in Studio.

A full release of this new UI is multiple months away. This current release is simply a “Preview”


wheres the collaborate/team create button

Yeah… that would be ideal… and then others moan that it’s forced upon them.
But currently … it’s optional to participate… but at least it gets ironed out with user participation… and Irons out the bugs as they see the reports from users.

Again… deactivate the trial of the Next Gen Studio UI - it’s quite simple… no ?


I think that’s neat

This text will be blurred

How am I meant to remove people from the old collaboration system? I have people who I’ve terminated from my Testing team and still have access.

You’ll need to switch off the Beta to manage collaborators until we can get the team create UI integrated.

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my honest reaction to this not using aegis

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I hope they are taking note of the smaller laptop displays.

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That’s also been happening to me as well. It can be kind of annoying at times, but hopefully they’ll fix it later on.

Yes we are testing and designing around min spec devices. But right now we are in early draft stage so responsiveness to different screen sizes will improve with time.


We made a ticket for proper cleaning up of tooltips based on @foodeggs7 post. I think the team knows what needs to be done here but if we need more details, we’ll reach out!


Where did these go? I liked seeing how my UI was on different devices through a push of a button, rather than going in and out on multiple devices. I hope these are able to come back on the new Studio Interface!
