Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

Click on the title bar → View → Device; it’s the exact same thing


Correct! With customization you’ll be able to add them back as buttons to various toolbars :slight_smile:

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Since there is so much space it’s really needed to have a collapse button like the old UI. I tried looking for one but couldn’t find one, so it would help a lot if you implement this small feature. Thank you!


This is absolutely cool, some normal features has been removed though like the asset manager

i think it will be better to put search in manage plugins tab, it gets out of control when you have too much plugins installed and you need to enable only 1 particular

15d reply)

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a lot of them were moved to the top bar

asset manager is Window → asset manager

still missing invite to team create button in the new ui


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i dont know if it is this update but i keep getting wierd warnings ▶ Cannot bind to action DataModel:Standalone, PluginId:ControlsEmulator, Category:Actions, ItemId:Toggle that does not exist (x2)


is there a way to hide UI?

Oh I didn’t know that, it’s just that the buttons are placed differently.

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Thanks for letting us know! This message was in a new flag that wasn’t fully tested with the Beta. We’ll look into it.

+1 to what Paul said. I believe this error should be harmless (besides printing a warning into the output whenever you switch to the Script Tab). I’m working on fixing it now for a following update :slight_smile:

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Alright, Can’t Wait!
Any way you could make the UI a bit more compact? It has so much space in between the elements and with no collapse button right now the test screen is very small no matter how small i make properties & explorer width shorter, so the space is still a big problem which is why I initially requested a collapse button.

Will the testing section in the old ui return in new one?

Yes as mentioned in the OP this was the very first draft of the new UI organization. We spent a relatively small amount of time fine tuning and we know how much creators value saving space. You will also get additional capabilities with customization like turning off tool labels too.

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It depends on what you mean. The testing tab itself won’t come back as a default thing but we will be bringing in additional play testing controls to the upper left area. With customization you will be fully able to make your own “Test” tab and put whatever combination of tools you’d like on it.

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Will the device emulator that was in the test section return too?

If I recall correctly,
In order to use the Device Emulator on the Beta UI, you’ll need to go View > Device