Next Gen Studio UI Preview is here! [Beta]

i mean, okay?

let me quote myself

btw, i like the look, i dont like the layout, maybe making it modern but making it also look like the old ui would be cool (if you know what i mean)

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Well they are moving away from QT so this could be a possibility

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I think it’s done quite well, and I understand that the interface will take a long time to finalize. But I want to know initially, will you return the Server Test? I often needed this feature and used it (although it has stopped working recently).

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did you just say a swear word??? is it allowed here?

Important Notes

Gonna make this since a LOT of people do not read the original post anymore.

1. The UI is in it’s early stages. It may not be good for you right now, but please be patient for staff to address your issue. Beta Features are in beta, not a full release. Please offer constructive feedback.

2. There will not be a toggle to bring back the old UI. The new UI uses an entirely new system and making a toggle would be unnecessarily tedious.

3. Please think before you post; not reading the post or not proving your points is unhelpful if you’re unsatisfied with the UI.

4. The purpose of this thread is to give feedback, not just endlessly hating on the UI.

5. Roblox needs to modernize at this point. Simply staying the same forever is just unsustainable and impractical. If you really feel like you have to include nostalgic points in your post, please make a different point.

This reply is not meant to target a specific individual or group, I am only just posting these because I have been seeing a lot of replies like these.

If someone replies and misses these points mentioned above, feel free to reply to them with a quote to a point they missed.


how did you get your text colored like that?

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monke level thinking (current Studio on Windows 11 and Microsoft Word on Windows 7)
(ignoring the fact that Qt5 which is Roblox Studios base UI framework was released in 2012 primarily for Windows 7)


and next time, please don’t ignore the rest 80% of the post and then say “use valid points next time buckaroo”


Lmao this is like making a comment exactly like someone else but instead of adding any valid points or anything helpful at all you just trash someone’s opinion because “They NEED to modernize!!”
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it

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Are you really wondering why people trash your opinion?

You are just one of these nostalgic people who probably dream about bacon hairs and tix every night.

Roblox needs to modernize, just like the other person said and I previously said in one of my replies. You can’t just ask a company to stop doing that because you don’t like it. We need new updates, including for the old inconsistent interface.

You don’t like it? Uninstall Roblox Studio. Thank you.


Are you this ignorant? Because I literally posted these half an hour ago.
I recommend you follow what the guy said above me and uninstall Studio, better yet leave Roblox. This is no place to keep arguing like this.

p.s And you have to call someone else out for proving you wrong. Hilarious.


yeah the only problem with this statement in this context is that Roblox Studio IS broken, excluding the countless engineers and staff members that have stated this multiple times, “It is a pain to add features to the current UI or work with its framework”

Don’t believe me? Ask them yourself


Don’t know where you got that from but okay

I was actually supporting that guys post because he said something other than


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It looks like needs the “scrolling feature” to look for everything inside of it.

A whole year for this? That’s quite impressive, honestly. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone spend an entire year working on something, just for it to look like they spent the entire year scratching on a piece of paper with a crayon like a 3 year old. Congratulations roblox, what a huge waste of time and money for something so fantastically bad.

Even tho I hate this garbage, it’s still in beta. they need time to make it worse or better. depends if they give us the old ui layout

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If you have actual constructive feedback then make post, do not if all you do is whine about improvement

As another wise poster said; you don’t like it? Uninstall Roblox Studio and leave the platform instead of dissing the engineers like a:


i’m lost,

so if you know that it’s outdated, you know that it’s buggy, and you know that it’s a pain for engineers to work with, then why try to defend it and also reply with “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”

your posts don’t make sense, on the other hand, they will obviously NOT rewrite the entire framework just so they can recreate the look of old Qt 5 elements in a whole different programming language lol


Good question! I’ve asked the designers.

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Unfortunately, we had to pause the experiment on the new Start Page after we learned there’s some rendering glitches with certain GPUs.

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Yeah we had to pull it for now. It was at 50% rollout and there’s a rendering issue we need to look into.