Nocturnal Café moderating guide for baristas and admins


Sometimes, moderating is quite frustrating. So that’s why I am making this topic for Nocturnal Café members.

Minor Offence

  • Trolling
  • Arguing/creating drama
  • Being disrespectful
  • Ordering too many items
  • Ordering not from the menu
  • Inappropriate clothing
  • Minor spamming (spamming some random words/letters)

How to handle those?

They are to be warned once. To warn, Junior Barista+ needs to open their utility by clicking “H” on their keyboard or click U on the left of their screen. Then, type “warn user”. For Staff Trainer or above, just use the “!warn <User(s)>” command. If the offender continues their behaviour, call an admin right away. To alert admin in-game, type “support” in your utility. Note that you don’t need to include the quotes.
Minor offence are to be banned after one warning!

Major Offence

  • Exploiting – P-ban
  • Bypassing – Ban
  • Glitching – Ban
  • Inappropriate username – P-ban
  • Register hopping – Ban
  • Being racist, homophobic, and Islamophobic (or along those lines) – P-ban
  • Vulgar language – P-ban
  • Mass spamming – Ban
  • Death threats – Ban

How to handle those?

You are to call an admin right away. No warnings, no reminders.
They are to be handled based on the ban/p-ban I have given besides their offences.
If there are no admins in the game, try to gain evidence and DM an admin in our Discord server.

But, some barista has power such as warn, kick, respawn. When do I use it?

You are only allowed to use warn!

You are not allowed to use respawn and kick if an admin is in the game! Instead, use the support command in your utility. It will alert all admins on the server.

What happened if I use it?
You will be warned. If it continues, you will be demoted.

Note: Abusing it, such as kicking people excessively in the server will result in a permanent suspension!

When do I use it, then?

You are to use it if an admin is not in the game, or if they are AFK. The system will notify you that the admins are AFK or not in the game after you called support and you are expected to use your utility commands to handle disruptive individuals.

Approved by the executives