Yeah, I understand the bit about the premium playtime, and that’s totally fine with us. The payment being delayed is our only concern right now.
Thank you for the fast reply! We really appreciate it. Hopefully the issue isn’t severe.
Yeah, I understand the bit about the premium playtime, and that’s totally fine with us. The payment being delayed is our only concern right now.
Thank you for the fast reply! We really appreciate it. Hopefully the issue isn’t severe.
Since the last post, the Premium Payouts’ blue bar has gone up by 6 days. However, it still makes no sense to me as to why the payouts are being processed after 2 months instead of 1. We just started receiving income ~a week ago.
To add on that, for some reason, Pending Sales from gamepasses do not display properly at all. We’ve received ~1.000 Robux from overall sales in the past few days, yet a single buck isn’t showing up in the group’s pending sales.
Please, @Focia19, can someone look into my issue? Original post here: Not receiving premium payouts - #15 by MILLENNlA
I have now reached out to Technical Support as well and, of course, nobody looked into it as usual.
The group has been created 4 years ago, has had legitimate purchases, we CAN PAY OUT people (which means it passed the review stage and that the payout functionality is available); the issue is SIMPLY WITHIN the system not handing out our payment accordingly.
Can someone who isn’t a bot ACTUALLY LOOK INTO THIS? I even reached out to the Bug Report team and have been entirely ignored! I couldn’t care less if we don’t pull thousands of players, smaller developers matter as well!
Dang that’s a lot of money
Also had this happen about a month ago where it showed premium visits of over 60 minutes sometimes and never got a premium payout. Still is a prevalent problem.
It’s currently happening to my game right now I haven’t receive premium payout the past 4 days! I’m losing thousands of robux revenue. Please Help
This issue has been affecting me too.
For the past three days or so my premium revenue has been showing 0 even though my projected earnings from the prior month say otherwise.
Here is the screenshot of my revenue page:
My projected premium payouts:
The group affected:
The MonkeyMan Fan Club - Roblox
Seems like I have also stopped recieving premium payouts as of today
A few days ago I stopped recieving gamepass sales too
I’m having similar problems too, I have released a small game that I have been working on for the last couple of months for Alpha Testing, and yet I haven’t gotten a single robux revenue from it. I have had other games before and by this time they’re usually labeled as “Pending Robux” but as you can see here all of them are 0.
Game Link:
Despite my payouts working somewhat a bit normal; I still haven’t gotten a single BUCK from gamepass purchases. They’re not even being put in group’s pending sales.
Same issue as everyone above. Has been working flawlessly for years, stopped working yesterday or the day before.
Are we ever going to get a follow-up on this? Like, seriously?
The only hope we have for this getting fixed is by talking to you guys and voicing our concerns, but even after people told me privately that the issue is being looked into, I haven’t gotten a single follow-up after almost 2 months. Yet similar issues (such as robux not displaying properly, BUT receiving the currency in 100% of its state) are immediately looked into. I’m not saying that their situation is any less important than this, but there’s a difference to earning money without difficulties, but not having accurate display information and earning sales, not having accurate display information AND not have the money funded in after 2 months of the initial purchase of gamepasses.
I’m sick of this.
Been about two weeks since this started happening to me across all my games. Not good
This is also happening with me and I lost a considerable amount of robux.
When will they fix this issue!
It feels like they’re ignoring us
I’m having this issue too, hopefully it gets resolved quickly because premium payouts make up a relatively significant portion of my monthly revenue.
It appears they might have fixed the problem. I just got a larger than normal amount of Robux pending and it’s not from sales. It adds up with the premium payouts the chart says I earned for the missing days as well.