Notable Translators Program

Hello Creators,

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new Notable Translators Program Pilot!

Are you the Creator of an amazing experience and ready to increase your growth by providing global audiences with the same great experience as your English-speaking users? Have you been wondering how to find and hire qualified human translators to take localization quality beyond machine translation? Then look no further!

The Notable Translator Program aims to give more visibility to dedicated and skilled community translators who want to offer their services to other Roblox creators. We also want to make it easier for developers to find and hire qualified community translators to help make their experiences as appealing to the international market as it is to their English-speaking users.

Below is a list of “Notable Translators” - individual community members who have passed certain requirements, such as a translation test administered by Roblox, as well as Language Service Providers (LSPs) with years of experience in game localization.

Feel free to check out these translators’ Creator Pages and reach out to them:

Profile Creator Page Language Pair Type
@IIIQueenIIl Creator Hub - Talent English > German Individual Creator
@MrFerils Creator Hub - Talent English > German Individual Creator
@raskolibov Creator Hub - Talent English > German Individual Creator
@Itttikorn Creator Hub - Talent English > Thai Individual Creator
@Yuuwa0519 Creator Hub - Talent English > Japanese Individual Creator
@GlobalStep_LocPM Creator Hub - Talent various Language Service Provider

We’re planning on expanding this program to further language pairs and adding more translators to the list over the next few months. We’re happy to receive any feedback or language suggestions.

For further resources on Localization, please visit:

Interested in joining the Notable Translator Program? Check out Introducing the Roblox Notable Translator Program [Pilot].

Thank you and happy translating!


Roblox does not post jobs, perform work, or employ individuals or teams to perform work for translators posted on the Creator Translator Program, and nothing shall create an employment, agency, or joint venture relationship between Roblox and any translator. Roblox is not a party to any agreement a translator may enter into, does not supervise, direct, or control the performance, compensation or procurement of services in the Community Translator Program, and shall not be responsible or liable for any disputes or damages related thereto, including, without limitation, if a translator is not paid for their work or if a Job Creator pays for work that a translator does not complete. Roblox also makes no representation or warranty as to the quality of work that a translator may undertake in connection with any work or services performed for a Job Creator. Roblox does not recommend or endorse any particular translator or Job Creator, or their respective offered services or job posts.


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Will Polish ever be necessary for translation assistance?


Ah, yes… Free advertisement on behalf of Roblox.

I don’t think “Notable” is the right word to use while describing listed individuals as none of them are actually notable. In a few words, their portfolio doesn’t tell me anything. In this instance, “Trustworthy” or “Trusted” would fit a lot better than “notable”.

Roblox has a lot of talented, known and really notable localization specialists in its community. Dozens of 'em. Quite surprising to see that none of them were featured in this post. I’ve checked every listed portfolio and have not seen any valuable experience yet.


If y’all ever need telugu. Me and my buds got you guys!

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As mentioned in the post, they refer to “notable” as skilled translators who’ve demonstrated high quality translations in the pilot. An independent quality test sounds more reliable than the amount of visits they contributed to.

Translating is often overlooked, even though it can make a huge impact on international accessibility. It’s nice that Roblox gives them a little acquisition boost to help these young talent grow.


Hi, thank you for your interest! While we’re not currently planning on adding Polish to the list, we may update our plans next year. Stay tuned.

Hi, thanks for your interested and enthusiasm. If we add Telugu, we’ll make sure to announce on Dev Forum.

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Hi, thanks for sharing your thoughts! While this pilot currently only covers German, Japanese and Thai, we’re hoping to open up the program to further languages in the near future. Everyone is welcome to apply :slight_smile:

Interested in joining the Notable Translator Program? Check out Introducing the Roblox Creator Translator Program [Pilot]

Correct! We’re excited to making it easier for creators to find matching translators as well as offer to provide a platform for translators who passed the eligibility criteria. We’re hoping to open up the program to further languages in the near future.

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Hey, thanks for reaching back, I didn’t expect a response. If it’s possible to take your time, I participated in the DevRel in the Portugese Category but never been awarded the participation accessory reward. I’d appreciate an update on the problem as I’ve already reached out to a Developer Engagement Member and Developer Relations Member but I’ve been just left out without a single response/reply regarding the problem.

The Ukrainian Roblox community and Roblox Dev are still waiting for the official Ukrainian translation of Roblox and Roblox Studio. And official support for developers from Ukraine :slightly_smiling_face:


Awesome to see Roblox promoting talented translators that we know we can trust. I’ll keep my eye out for future translation jobs!

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When do you guys plan to release this program for other languages, such as portuguese?


Great to see translators being more and more recognized. Adding to the comments of fellow translators, not to discredit the list of notable translators, but Roblox has the Community Translators invite-only group for translators: Community translators - Developer Forum | Roblox. These individuals were invited due to their notable contributions to translations on Roblox. Would you consider inviting them to join this program yourselves?

On another note… would you guys consider a in-game name badge just like the ones for the Video Star Program but for the Notable Translators program? Would be a nice form of recognition for their services.


Welcome and congratulations to @raskolibov - our newest member of the Roblox Notable Translators Program! Please make sure check out their profile!


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