Open Source Procedural Tree Generation

Hi, I found this old project in my places and decided I’d open source it. The code is pretty well made (considering I wrote it years ago lol) and the trees themselves are very customisable.

The code is fully mine, you can feel free to compare it to any other tree generation resources. It uses a method I haven’t seen used anywhere else - branch segments. Every branch consists of multiple slightly rotated segments to create a more natural look.

Also, the trees even grow! Check it out here:
tree growth

The tree type settings can be found over here. You can edit the default oak tree type or duplicate the module and create new ones. After that simply adjust the Generate script to include your new trees!
Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 13.07.54

If you have any questions let me know here!

Here’s the place:


hey thats actually pretty cool, i dont think i have ever seen this kind of modules in the devforum, so yeah, looks pretty smooth for being something you did years ago might aswell use it


Thank you so much for this incredible resource and your contribution to the dev forum! I appreciate that there is an option to make presets, and even give the trees a growing animation (for dynamics or VFX). :grin:

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This is nice. I’m going to try and implement this into my placement system and try to make it grow / generate whenever you place it down… Havn’t really looked deeply into the code yet… idk if I have to use roblox parts or if it would be fine with meshes…

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