Opening up Marketplace to More Creators

Anything can have value.
You’re essentially saying Bitcoin is worthless because it’s virtual, but it’s obviously not. Roblox limited items do hold real-world value because there is demand for them.

I will never understand people with the mindset of yours:
“hurrr durrr roblox = bad and worthless!111”


I don’t know if anyone cares, but I just wanted to share my opinion on this.

It’s awesome that this is happening, although I’m wondering about how Roblox is going to enforce moderation on public UGC when private UGC is already a mess. If they have more people moderating UGC/looking at reports, I think that it would be a lot better. I don’t think that they should’ve released this until they had a good way of moderating UGC, as this may be a disaster.

These requirements may be a bit extreme in my opinion, but I guess it will help with the moderation. I guess this also isn’t “public UGC” and maybe that will be coming in the future? Anyway, I think that premium should not be required, especially higher tiers of it. If someone is ID verified, they should be eligible, as moderation would be very difficult to get around. Even though ID is required, I wonder how much they will actually moderate, and if people will even need to circumvent bans. Judging by current UGC, most fake limiteds/bad items will stay onsale for weeks/months.

It’s awesome that they’re saying this, and I hope they keep moderation consistent.

I understand that accessories cost 1-2 thousand, but I personally don’t understand the fact that layered clothing is so expensive and hard to upload. I think that if they want to convince more people to switch to rthro/layered clothing, they should make the upload costs for those things cheaper.

Good that they acknowledged the fake limiteds, hopefully they start moderating those better.

These are my thoughts on the article. If you disagree with anything, feel free to reply! Thank you for reading!


I mean for developers it seems like a win free players on your game free robux by limiteds selling etc but for most people it isnt but certain groups on roblox sspecially the NSFW ones will benefit in a bad way with this

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Is this a joke? you literally made it impossible for people to make any sufficient amount of money from this, you scared every drop of talent away from your website, displaced people whos income relied on ugc,

And that’s not even half the problem with this, you’ve barely moderated anything i literally saw graphic content uploaded and passed eight times this week alone, some still up now. You couldn’t control the small stream of items uploaded daily in a secured gated program what makes you think you can control the infinite flow of users that have the ability to upload anything they want.


evil person? what? no. as someone whos always had a dislike for scarce virtual items, the economies which form around them, and the types of communities which form around these things, I just think certain people need to “touch grass.” lol


Every bacon hair boutta be copying that dominus drip :cold_face::cold_face::cold_face:. Classic Roblox ignoring their community and common sense because they are a billion dollar corporation hey Roblox maybe if you want to impress your investors dont do this because your stock is already down and because investors do not want to see crimes associated with a kids platform when buying stock.

You pointed out the issue! Why should something as simple as avatar accessory creation be put behind a paywall for $20+ USD


ive not been talking about monetary value but i certainly have my opinions about such things

I do touch grass and just because im having an argument with you doesnt mean i dont touch grass or go outside also you can value virtual things and still go outside and be a normal sane functionijng member of society i dont get why you are so insistent on hating people who value djfferent things from you

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and it’ll be filled with even more

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no i’m not joking. theres a reason why the ratio of getting into the program was below 1%

it made sure actual talented people got in

the only people excited are people who were not talented enough to get in so now they have a chance.


its honestly mainly for them to get more money, as if they don’t have enough, this type of behavior is expected and acceptable from gaming companies now days, but i cant accept the blatant “blind eye and ignore until we are forced to” mindset. they could’ve put their energy into literally anything, like fixing r6 which has been broken for nearly a week now and a lot of games are suffering from that, but no they need more money from you the consumer so they dedicate their time to milk more money out this sad platform.

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I disagree. Untalented people will not be successful because their items will also be garbage. Nobody will buy them and they’ll just lose money on the process.

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Wdym r6 is broken this past week i use it all the time is that why my hats are always gray on the Roblox app?

Thats not the point even if they are un tallented it will drown out everything else. Keep in mind when UGC was gatekept roblox took 70% of profits UGC creators could barely survivev off it so imagine how pathetic the returns will be with 100/unit prices.

“questionable” is rather generous it’s down right horrible…

“touch grass” had nothing to do with our argument, why would I ridicule myself, being part of it? I’m referencing how you types care so much for virtual items. I think itd be great if bacon hairs or whoever would be able to dress how exactly theyd like and that the air of snobbish exclusivity would diminish. Don’t give a crap about your precious “baby’s first classism.” I think itd great if less kids would get suckered into gambling adjacent mindsets and communities. Though once again, I doubt that any of this will happen on such a large scale as you think.

oversaturation is oversaturation it does not matter if they’re untalented or not.

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I am happy to see this go into effect, but I really wish more precautions would have been taken before rolling it out. I think we all know how messy the current catalog is and there’s hundreds of knock off items. The Roblox algorithms even suggest knock offs at the bottom of pages of these items.

Why are you acting like bacons cant already dress amazingly with all the free ugc in all the games there are 100s of thousands of free items so far and a lot of them are easy to get and dont take too much time while i understand some are grindy ive gotten hundreds when i started during the hunt they have so much stuff they could wear and my friend is literally wearing an Easter Dominus they got for free so its not like giving everyone access magically menas everyone will be living in paradise infact it will be even worse because ugc goblins will mumtiply and no one will get free ugc defeating the purpose in the first place.