Opening up Marketplace to More Creators

What? Does it cost 100k for 1k stock? Are you sure?


Very costy

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I think this is a great update. Although I can understand some UGC creators concerns.

I believe this mainly comes down to how well the UGC will be moderated. I also believe that it is a good thing to not only put UGC behind Premium but also ID Verification.

I’ve been seeing a lot of “Roblox is cooked chat”, but I think we’re far from that. We’ll all see how well the catalog will be soon!

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Sorry, dude, but I know your history! I’m not letting you fool anyone. You’re a chronic bootleg maker and I have never seen you bring anything new or original to the platform.

(This one was deleted)


Believe it does, My math could be off. And I don’t have any not already limiteds to check at the moment. If I am wrong ill edit my original reply.

Yes. 1k stock x 100 Robux = 100k Robux. This also means a free limited with 10k stock would cost 1 million Robux. This change is insane.


It’s a terrible state, and this update made it 100x worse.

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I really hate that, it is extremely expensive. Roblox please revert this, nobody is buying this and no one would even be able to profit from this.


100k stock = 10 MILLION
1M stock = 100 MILLION

The new prices are UNFATHOMABLE to creators new and old. We really need this update reverted.

7 Likes here is!


please reconsider the 100 robux/stock change to free UGC, that’s unsustainable for pretty much everyone :frowning_face:


why don’t I have the option?

I have everything correct, thumbnail… EVERYTHING… I meet every requirement but still don’t see it

Great job for roblox engineers!! You downgraded roblox so hard the marketplace is now full of fake valks, dominuses etc etc and etc…


Don’t upload it. Publish fee is awful. You will regret if you do so.

I got the robux, how would I do it tho?

Apparently the public UGC is still rolling out. Yet to see anyone mention an ETA though.

You’ll probably see the option at some point later today :slight_smile:

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Again, if this information is available internally, why can we not access it externally on our own? (Moderation history)


well… just wait till everyone can upload

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Can we upload bodies and heads containing PBR (Physically Based Rendering) textures?

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There is a lot of problems with public UGC. And lawmakers will not like it. Here is some of the problems

  1. Inappropriate UGCs including naked characters and illegal content. (A way that it could easily be bypassed with UVs would be an entire image on a small vert.)
  2. Game breaking UGCs that will break games entirely by either being too big or have uvs that the RCC-Service does accept and will shut down a server or cause massive game lag
  3. Copyright issues

Chaos GIFs -


This would be awesome if the fees were reasonable, and the catalog was actually moderated well. Sadly I don’t think either are the case….