[Opt-out Phase] Introducing Animator Retargeting for Supporting a Single Animation on Multiple Rigs

i guess what you could is just have a script that disables the option each time a server gets created

game.Workspace.Retargeting = Enum.AnimatorRetargetingMode.Disabled

In a server script


Ah I wasn’t aware that it was possible to set flags during runtime! Thanks I’ll try it out :slight_smile:

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I recently had a very similar problem to ConnectNot_connect (and what was posted here)

When adjusting a Motor6D joint’s CFrame while also playing animations, the animations wouldn’t adjust to the CFrame change (the expected behavior). If the setting were to be removed, that would be pretty problematic for my use case, and I’d most likely have to migrate my entire game to a CFrame only animation system.


I’m receiving issues with characters’ arms jittering with this feature when using Realism — Make your games feel more immersive!, this is a critical issue for my experience as it ruins the entire feel of my game


Hey, enabling Retargeting causes our game’s walk & run animations (presumably among others) to look far worse.
Retargeting enabled:

Retargeting disabled:

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The bent in arms is a known issue. We’ve implemented a heuristic to address it but are still improving the system to catch more cases. If you can provide a file for repro, it would be greatly appreciated!
In the meantime it should be fine to disable the feature until the problem has been fully addressed.

For context:
There is a misalignment between the blocky upper arm and the actual joint locations defining the “arm vector”. As the system tries to straighten the arm vector, it actually shows up as a bend in the actual mesh parts.

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Sure thing! I’ll PM the walking animation.
I’m glad to know you’re aware of the issue; I figured you’d eventually change from opt-out to constantly-enabled and figured I should report if this wasn’t made aware of yet, as it’s been affecting other developers also.

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Thank you! There is still a strong case for situations that won’t use retargeting so the disable option will remain available for the foreseeable future…we will make sure there is ample communication and discussion if there are ever plans to change that.


I had to disable this because it made my characters arms bend in, as well as breaking my procedural aiming by editing the joint C1s. Any new animation I uploaded caused the character to glitch out when I edit the C1s, but the old animations I had were fine.

I really wish this was not enabled by default because I had no idea what was going on for so long until I randomly found this thread which caused me a lot of issues.

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