'Other' category

I just need another category to the forum, called ‘Other’, since I recently posted a ‘What’s your dream plug-in’ topic and it got flagged as ‘off category’.
I also thought on unhiding the bulletin board, since you can talk about plugins there (and allowing replies), but I prefer an ‘Other’ category.

But here’s the problem: ‘What’s your dream plugin’ encourages discussion (in my opinion) about development and doesnt fit other categories, it would be better in ‘Other’, where there’s almost restrictions, except for needing to be development-related and not fitting in other categories
but there’s only the ‘Bulletin Board’ where people can’t reply after some time and it’s completely hidden. Also It’s not mean’t for development-related discussions.

If an ‘Other’ category existed, it would be lot better since you can create development-related topics not related to other categories easity and not get reported.

How did Roblox DevForum NEVER have a ‘Other’ category?

I can send the message if you want to, @HakaiShin_AOD is the one who moderated my topic.
If you think that my ‘What’s your dream plug-in’ topic shouldn’t have been moderated, reply me saying why.

If you think it’s not a good idea, reply me, saying why. And if I got an error, message me.


#lounge. A special category only for those pesky Regulars… UGH! I hate those regulars. It’s unfair that how we can never get it and those guys are just not even working on roblox anymore!

It doesn’t. Development Discussion strictly means discussion related to development on roblox. For example: “What type of print statements do you use?” or “How long have you been working in Roblox?” etc. It is not a place to discuss things like: “What’s your favourite game?” or “Whose your favourite developer?” or “What’s your dream plugin”

Your topic got moderated for the right purpose. All moderations on the devforum are for the right purpose because it is handled by actual humans who are actually, quite nice and smart. I remember me talking with HakaiShin_AOD once and he was quite a nice person. I was mad at him deleting my post but the way he talks is quite mannerful. Basically, do not mistake the moderation here for on Roblox’s.

Also you are not the only one who wants an “other” category. Many people do but the sad thing is that it is simply not accessible by use “peasants” as I’d say.

Want proof that you aren’t the only one? Then:
I hate life. 3 topics all related to the one thing: “lounge”


Then, #lounge should be for members too, don’t you think so?
Regular is nowadays unobtainable, so I’d rather make it obtainable or give #lounge to members.

Okay, that makes more sense to me, Thanks!
But, Is it possible to discuss these in #lounge?

I wasn’t obviously the only one, I just didn’t notice about the #lounge category, I only have access to the tag.:skull:


For me as an introvert, well no. But then, I guess I’ll probably get more than 3 active friends so… yea sure!

No, not really. You can get regular either by:

  • Be popular!
  • Be good! (Make intriguing feature request topics and bug reports and the moderators will bless you with a sweet rank!)

Mhm, you think?


I thought it was unobtainable :person_shrugging: since it’s a legacy rank.
I guess I’ll go to @AllowBugReports amd @AllowFeatureRequests.

Still, there should be something for ‘development discussion’ that isn’t #development-discussion.
The title makes it sound like if it were for that type of posts and then it gets flooded with non-related topics.

Also, I reply pretty often, so I don’t know wdym with ‘Be popular!’, maybe as popular as most ‘verificated’ people? idk :person_shrugging:

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Be popular means having a popular game or working for a popular studio and being basically partners with roblox.


you mean a game with like 0-100 players at least, or 100+, or 1000+?
I think with 10-1000 it should be enough :person_shrugging:

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Hahaha no. Games like Arsenal or just overall front page games. Who basically make Roblox tons of money. A game with 100 or 1000 active players won’t make roblox as much money as the big league games, like pet sim x or something similar.

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oh god to me its impossible to create a game with more than 10k players :skull:
I guess ‘be popular’ was not only too vague, was also too irrelevant

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Haven’t read anything but the forum is to be used for development related topics and not as a socialization pletform

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Yeah, they should have kept another forum :skull:
So, yeah. I’ll prob wont be using that much the devforum since it’s a bit boring, except for publishing resources.

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Hiya @BrAlMeSo_Mc! How are you?

#lounge would fit in this category as you can create topics from Roblox discussions (#lounge:roblox-discussion) to off-topic (#lounge:off-topic), which are not related to anything regarding things on the Roblox platform! However, as @NoxhazeI stated, it is only obtainable unless you are a forum user with a trust level called “Regular”.

Now, some notes that I want to provide in my reply:

  1. “Regular” trust level is not only and exclusively obtainable by being a “top developer”. You can get it in other ways such as community programs.

  2. Regular users are not bad people as @NoxhazeI states. It is not about being Regular that makes them bad, and yes their way of acting. But, if you believe that they are behaving badly over the forum, you are always welcome to report to the forum moderators by flagging their replies/topics.

  3. If you believe that the #lounge category should be open for forum users that have “Member” as trust level, create topic within #forum-help:forum-features explaining why.

I hope that helps you out! :smiley:


There are hundreds of topics for that. Don’t bother making another one. The moderators will simply not allow it.


Won’t create since it already exists, too much effort and you made a typo (‘alow’)



Argh! This is my first time making a typo in months! My streak has been broken! :sob:


For anyone curious, nobody actually uses #lounge. There are probably 3 replies made a month and one topic a year.

If you really want to talk about non-development-related Roblox stuff, use another platform.


Specially since a very limited amount of people use it.

I don’t know what platform to use :person_shrugging:

I dont use discord

Sad the topic is too old to reply, I’d like to reply there since it’s still relevant to me, but the mods think it’s ‘no longer relevant’ I don’t know why wouldn’t it be relevant but :person_shrugging:

I think the discussion of “What’s your dream plug-in” is not appropriate in this forum if it is done for the purpose of just talking. BUT if there are serious answers there it may help plugin developers with ideas, or help people find the plugin they need.

I agree with you, this forum needs an ‘Other’ category(or something), because on this forum you can quickly get a useful answer. I don’t even know if there is another official platform where you can ask questions that don’t fit into any of the categories here.

I thought about asking in this forum how the ban system works in Roblox, but it seems to me that this topic will also be deleted. This is not even about development, but I also don’t know where else this question can be asked. :thinking:

Of course! What other places could we do this on? Almost many of us are poor members looking for jobs and stuff (i.e for jobs. #collaboration:portfolios and for stuff. #roblox-surveys:betas)
We need an other category and quick because of the recent promotion to regular closure (very long ago and not recent)