Other post reactions like on Discourse Try

This is exactly why we need it, people saying that it’s useless.

A like is rather inconclusive, :+1: signals, Yeah, it’s what I mean!
:heart: signals “I like that post!”

This kinda fits in to what you’re saying, :heart: is pretty inconclusive when it comes to questions.

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What kind of backwards logic is this…

Because the like button isn’t meant for questions. That’s what a certain blue button is for. Can you guess what it is?

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It really isn’t. Once again, your comment was a perfect substitute for a reaction that could’ve been misinterpreted. Just as Kriss said, a heart isn’t meant for questions. The amount of reaching you are attempting to do is just saddening at this point…

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The example you gave is a perfect example that a heart reaction substitutes for any type of emote that implements a “Like” emotion. I’m not saying that a like reaction is a terrible idea, I’m saying that it isn’t necessary and thus wouldn’t be worth much effort.


Look at how many plugins the devforum has. Some post-approval plugins are still installed and half in the list are duplicates.

List of plugins

I have played around with the plugin about 2 weeks ago and these is some things I don’t think everybody knows.

  • The reactions can be customized to any emoji(s).
  • Only one reaction counts as alike (By default the heart :hearts:)
  • I think reactions have a set amount you can give out in a 24 hour period (might be tied to the # of likes given out)

And I do support this change


I am totally in favor of this suggestion. We need more ways to express ourselves with reactions rather than replies that flood the thread. Apart from getting rid of the “cool update”, and “nice work” spam comments in threads, it gives us the opportunity to say what we feel about something in a specific way, rather than a gray heart filling up. Also for everyone saying that the DevForum isn’t social media. Let’s take a look at the definition:
If you think about it, the DevForum is a social media. Though don’t confuse it with the (supposedly) professional community that lies within, it still remains a social media platform. Therefore, reactions would be a much appreciated addition.


Appeal to definition fallacy.

Colloquially, social media = sharing content, networking, and engagement. The devforum is mainly to share feedback and knowledge, not to share content. There is only one category on the entire forum for the latter, #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback .

The dev forum is not your typical social media platform like instagram, twitter, etc.

IMO any resources invested into the forum should go into improving the ability to use it for its intended purpose.


What did you base this statement on? Reactions is a Discourse plugin, it’s not a default feature: Discourse Reactions - plugin - Discourse Meta

Recommend doing some research before pulling out dramatic statements.


I think a major reason why we should never do this here is because we want to encourage insightful replies that explain peoples’ support or distaste for ideas, or thoughts in general.

Having granular reaction types encourages people to mindlessly click a button on the post without thinking and then move on, which is absolutely useless and downright harmful because this place is a discussion forum + communication channel with Roblox in terms of bug reports and feature requests.

If you want to participate in a discussion… participate in it.
If you want to show that you like something, thank someone, or acknowledge someone, the heart reaction does the job.
If you don’t like something, write up some constructive criticism.
If you like a feature request, reply with your use cases for it.
If you are affected by a bug report, explain how it affects you and provide your information.


Yes, but as I already mentioned, it reduces flags, and off topic replies.

Most of the time, (you could probably go see it now) in #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback , people often reply with “I like it” or “Wow it looks so good!”. Those are often flagged for being off topic, filling up the flag queue. But with this, you could react with say :+1:, or :clap:.

Posts in #resources:community-resources or #resources:community-tutorials could be reacted to with :clap: showing that it’s helpful, instead of a generic “Wow this is sooo helpful!” reply, then again reducing moderation flags.

It also makes posts more straightforward, minimizing the replies.
For example: a post in feedback.
You post a GFX, and 12 people reply with something along the lines of “Wow this is sooo good!”, and 20 people have real feedback.
You want those 20 replies without the 12 mixed in, right?
And yes, I know the Summarize button exist, but it isn’t that accurate and hides a bunch of replies that are real feedback.


These people leave these replies because they feel reactions are too impersonal, or they just don’t think of it. Countless people have explicitly explained this in various other threads. Adding more will not change that.


… or maybe because such reaction system doesn’t exist? or only exists in the form of a simple heart button?

Even GitHub has this feature. I don’t see why it shouldn’t be added here as well. Replies like these exist so there’s clearly invisible demand for a feature like this (they almost look faked) :

It would be even more useful in giant topics such as WAYWOC


It’s also the entire reply. Again, could 100% be replaced by emojis.


Nobody would replace these replies for more specific reaction emojis. These users are clearly replying because they are significantly impressed; replacing these with reactions would again fall into the “too impersonal” category. Consider that these users could also have easily replaced these replies with likes. The heart is fully appropriate here. However, they did not.

You and OP do not understand how people on this forum think, and you’re all reaching and warping things to try to make this look like it will have any net benefit here whatsoever. It will not. It’s just more noise onscreen, and more incentive to bypass leaving insightful replies that actually get things done. There is very small benefit to extremely niche situations sure, but these are not worth the culture shift this would cause.


Still can’t see why this shouldn’t be added when it’s just a small cosmetic change.

P.S. If you were the one who flagged my post that’s really bizzare.


Because it’s pointless. “It’s just a small cosmetic change.” shouldn’t be grounds for adding features.

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I already pointed out why it should be added:

The rest of the replies in favor of this suggestion give off pretty good points as well.


And as far as I can tell, your points have been rebuked multiple times.

And again, you can just comment or like instead of having pointless reactions. Roblox wants us to engage in discussions here as can be seen by the fact that there’s a character minimum that you need in order to even post something. Increasing the likes threshold (while still a unneeded change) would be much better than this.

The conversation here at this point is just going in a full circle. Unless, anyone here has something new to add, I’d suggest to just sticking with liking that responses already here and you agree with

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The replies for this feature request

  • Legit 3 people trying to make people against it and are shooting down valid claims
  • People that are in favor of it and are giving mostly good points
  • and people that actually are calm about not liking something