Overcomplicated notification system

This is the continuation of a small project I showcased in the mega thread

Have a small look on the changes:

Yes, I know, the aesthetics aren’t really that appealing because of small nitpicks like lack of alignment, inconsistent sizing, etc.
Looks is the least of my priority, let’s talk more about features.

Dynamic resizing and elements

Not big of a deal, the message can resize to fit the elements within. Note that the messages were originally designed to be single-line-only, but multiple lines (via \n or <br />) are supported.

The message supports 3 types of elements: text, image, and padding. They can be used in any order and there’s no limit on how many you can use (other than the screen size). The formatting itself looks something like this:

text = {'rbxassetid://10559112982', 8, 'Once you join, you may not leave.'}

With this, you can use custom sprites to represent in-game objects like currency within the messages. But don’t go too overboard, remember that this is a notification system for simple messages and warnings. You’re not supposed to use it to say entire paragraphs.


Each message can have a customizable weight that dictates its importance and position on the screen. By default error messages have the highest weight and will always appear first.


In theory, it should be pretty easy to customize this notification system, whether it be aesthetics, animations, or actions. I’ve already added three types of messages (default, notice, and error) and you can add more. The basic UI design can also be changed, as well as the alignment/order of the messages, the sound they play, the click events, etc.

I might open-source this or turn it into a community resource if my ego gets big enough. What do you guys think? Is there anything else that I should add? Let me know!


This looks very cool, I’ve a suggestion maybe make the red bar reduces and overtime they will disappear, Love it though!

Looks like a front page game.

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Woah, this looks awesome! I don’t see why anyone would not use this, it would be great if you turn it into open resource :grinning:

Might want to move the less important ones to the side of the screen. Center screen notifications are super distracting and they cover the most important area of the screen.

The whole point of notifications is to draw your attention. And they’re supposed to be brief; they shouldn’t cover up your screen to the point where you can’t see what’s in front of you, you can change the maximum amount of visible notifications to hard cap it. The spamming in the video would be the worst-case scenario.

Is this open-sourced or…?
Great job!
I would really use this

Not gonna lie, alot of people would actually love to use this