Paid Access Experiences Will Be Eligible for Engagement Based Payouts

Hi Creators,

Starting on Tuesday, December 3, 2024, paid access experiences will be eligible for engagement based payouts. This change will impact all paid access in Robux experiences. It will also apply to paid access in local currency experiences, which we announced at RDC earlier this year. We will have more updates to share about paid access in local currency in the near future.

Engagement-based payouts let you earn Robux based on how much time Premium members engage in an experience. These payouts are in addition to earnings from other monetization methods such as Passes.

  • Engagement-based payouts are automatic and are calculated based on the share of time a Premium subscriber spends in an experience. There are no additional steps you need to take to start earning. Earnings in Robux will be applied to your account automatically, and will be in addition to any earnings you receive from paid access sales and the sale of gamepasses, in-experience items, or subscriptions within your experience.

How to grow your engagement-based payouts

We recommend adding the Premium Purchase Modal to your paid access experience to encourage more Premium subscribers to spend time in your experience and potentially increase your engagement-based payout. For instructions on how to do this, you can review our documentation here.

Receiving payouts

Paid Access creators will start seeing projected earnings for Engagement-Based Payouts in December, and your payouts will begin to be distributed in January.

Additional Resources


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making my free game into paid access with this one :fire::fire:

Now that you’ll soon be able to get Premium Payouts with Paid games, was there any reason why there you couldnt in the past?


Big W to the teams who finally made it possible.

Hopefully this will help push the creators who are looking to make paid access games into doing so. All we need is to be able to sponsor those experiences soon and they’ll be on par with regular experiences in terms of feasibility :raised_hands:


Cool to see!

Now please allow us to advertsise paid access experiences :pray:
Since the sunsetting of user ads, there’s been no way to promote paid-access experiences. This has significantly reduced the visibility of newly released games, giving them very little chance to be discovered


Finally making it out the trenches with this one :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:

Jokes aside, I’m curious to see the effect this will have on roblox’s ecosystem and if we’re going to see more paid access games or not


This is absolutely amazing, Thanks for this much needed change! :index_pointing_at_the_viewer::sunglasses:


This is awesome, thanks :+1:


Really cool! Glad to see this expansion coming along.


I see everyone happy for it but I kinda feel it’s gonna be a bad idea… Developers usually don’t make experiences paid access to not sacrifice premium payouts, but with this update I feel many random games -even the popular ones- will be suddenly paid access. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s bad at all. It’s just like buying one more gamepass within the game, but perhaps this will make those games start loosing players due to people being unable to get Robux easily (I mean, unable to purchase but able to get through Pls Donate maybe?), because even if the game is really good and worth paying for, there are really greedy players who won’t even think about it. Of course this is extremely good for developers, but it may be harder to get players in a paid access game, rather than a regular game. I’m not for or against, but it gives me a bad feeling.


if games want to lose all their player base and face huge backlash then yes they will turn paid access


Just wondering, will developers be able to set the price in both real-world currency and Robux, simultaneously?


how about give us a cut of a user’s in-game premium purchase? the incentive to use these prompts just isn’t worth it


we’re making bank with this one :fire::fire::fire:


first it was occlusion culling.
then it was genres.
and today we got 25% more robux when buying giftcards and paid access games have premium payouts.

roblox team cooking so hard and im all for it.
please keep this up, great improvements to the platform that feels to be lacking lately, until now.


How does this differ from Premium Payouts that were already in place?
Did paid access experiences not have this before? Your post doesn’t really explain that.


Yo!!! im new but i like this update :slight_smile: KEEP IT UP^^^



Yes, previously paid access experiences were not eligible for premium payouts. You could only see the premium playtime score but you would not actually receive Robux.


wait its for paid games? i dont even make paid access games. i only make free[contains gamepass obv🙃]


We descending with this one!!"!!!