Particle Effects Aren't Visible

Reproduction Steps

Have the Particle Flipbooks Beta Feature enabled, insert any particle emitter. Doesn’t matter what it is, or what it’s parented under, or it’s properties. Happens with ALL emitters.

Expected Behavior

I expect to be able to see particle effects in studio

Actual Behavior

All particle effects in studios are invisible.


Disable the particle flipbooks beta and restart studio.

Obviously working with flipbooks is now impossible.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Display
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-10-18 00:10:00 (-04:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-10-18 00:10:00 (-04:00)


There’s also one problem with particles. in this gif it’s hard to see the bug but sometimes it get’s broken. Im not sure if it’s part of the game.

This issue should be fixed by next week according to the Particle Flipbooks Beta thread.

This is still an issue.

We can’t disable the particle beta anymore and it’s effecting both studio and in-game.

Bumping this so it gets seen, I can’t believe Roblox hasn’t acknowledged this yet.


Would you have a video + place file we could use for reproducing your issue please? Are you on PC or Mac? This specific issue was tackled before the release of Flipbooks and particles are visible in our tests. It would help greatly to get more details on what you are experiencing so we can look into it and reproduce your problem, please :slight_smile:


I can send you the place file, problem is since it relies on some script services in our groups it might not work 100% as intended without our stuff.

I will happily send you the place file, though, to see if it can be reproduced.

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Thank you! I shared with the team and will follow-up when I have an update :slight_smile:


Thank you very much for the assistance. This definitely puts me much more at ease.

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Thank you! I’ll let you know if any problems persist.

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Just tried it, it works perfectly in-game now. Assuming the fix is the same for both in-game and Studio, it should be fine.

Thank you for the quick fix!