Pinewood Logistics Handbook

Pinewood Logistics Logo

Pinewood Logistics

Below is the handbook for the unofficial PB sub-group Pinewood Logistics.

We are not officially integrated with Pinewood Builders, and as a result our rules cannot be enforced on non-members- additionally, ingame commands such as !setgroup will not work for this group.

Those who are in this group and are ‘on-duty’ are bound to the rules set out in this handbook, and can be subject to punishment if found in violation.

1. Basic Information
> Our Responsibilities
> General Rules & Reminders
> How to go on-duty
2. Points & Promotions
> Ranks & Requirements
> How to earn points
3. Additional Information
> Meltdown / Freezedown Procedures
> Areas of focus
> Vehicle spawn locations
> Other important PB links
Updated: 31st of August, 2022

"Keeping Pinewood on track!"

Rules & Reminders

Our Responsibilities:

  • Running Transit systems to help visitors reach their destinations
  • Keeping the Fuel & Coolant levels topped up at PBCC using Cargo trains
  • Evacuating visitors via the launch silos or to the safety bunker during emergencies
  • Handling Cargo operations
  • Assisting PET with fires when requested by them
  • Clearing metro tracks and roads when they are blocked

General Rules & Reminders

See the 'Meltdown / Freezedown Procedures' section under 'Additional Information' for details about exceptions to rules during a meltdown or freezedown.
  1. Remember to follow the Pinewood Builders Game Rules at all times, even while off-duty.

  2. You must have a recognised uniform equipped and have your in-game ranktag set to ‘PB’ / ‘Pinewood’ to be considered on-duty.

  3. Causing chaos of any kind i.e by crashing trains, causing fires or spawning vehicles to lag the game intentionally is forbidden.

  4. Unless a train poses a serious threat (Ignited missiles / burning, etc.), you should not intentionally re-route it unless requested by the driver.

  5. On-duty Logistics workers should not touch any core controls, especially during a raid or PBST/PET patrol.

  6. Always give warnings to players before killing them

  7. TMS (The Mayhem Syndicate) is NOT on our KoS list by default- however individuals can still be warned and killed if necessary.

  8. Directors have the final say on punishments and judging whether an action is right or wrong.

  9. This group is NOT officially affiliated with Pinewood, and we are not a raid group meaning we do not respond to PBST/TMS/PET events.

How to go on-duty:

As mentioned before, you will only be recognised as 'on-duty' for Pinewood Logistics if you:
  1. Have your ranktag set to PB / Pinewood. You can do this by using the in-game commands ‘!setgroup PB’ and ‘!ranktag on’ together.
  2. Have an officially recognised uniform equipped- See below for details.
Recognised Uniforms

Recognised Uniforms

Additional shirts from the official PB store page:

Alternatively, if you're unable to buy the uniforms listed above you can also choose to wear the free uniform provided at the PBCC Generators: (Hardhat not required)


Points & Promotions

Ranks & Requirements:

To earn points, you must attend events. See the section "How to earn Points" below for more details.

To be promoted in Pinewood Logistics, you'll need to achieve the specified points as well as complete any other specified criteria such as passing an evaluation or completing a quiz. These are shown in more detail below, under each rank's dropdown.

Trainee Operator (Default rank)

Trainee Operator Requirements:

Trainee Operator is the default rank members achieve when they join the group. There are no requirements for this rank other than joining the group.
Pinewood Logistics - Roblox

Advanced Operator

Advanced Operator Requirements:

  • Have 20+ Points
  • Pass your promotion consensus- a quick discussion between Specialist Operators+ to determine whether you’re ready for the promotion or not.

Elite Operator

Elite Operator Requirements:

  • Have at least 60 points
  • Be in our communications server- the link to be join can be found under the ‘Social Links’ section of our group’s page.
  • Have been an Advanced Operator for at least a week.
  • Complete the Elite Operator evaluation
  • Pass your promotion consensus (same as for Advanced Operator)

Elite Operator Evaluation

1: Refill the Generator Fuel and Coolant tanks using a Cargo Train in 55 seconds, starting from the ‘Core Station’ train spawn. (Includes refilling the train)

2: Transport 3 pieces of cargo around the facility using a forklift- these must be 3 separate crates, however you can take them to and from any officially marked cargo bay in the game.

3: Complete a full loop of the inner-track using a regular passenger train without derailing, stopping at the following stations:

Escape Rockets > Coolant Sector > Main Transit Hub

4: Re-route, derail, or kill the driver of a burning missile train before it can explode in Cargo-Bay 1A, using the credit weapons, a gamma sword and regular speed coil.
For hosts: Ignite 4 missiles using the firestarter tool when you reach the TMS bunker, wait for them to begin beeping then drive.

Specialist Operator

Specialist Operator Requirements:

  • Anyone in any rank can be promoted to Specialist, however those who are Elite have a higher chance of being noticed in general.
  • Be in our communications server- the link to be join can be found under the ‘Social Links’ section of our group’s page.
  • Be noticed by any Director+, who will then nominate you for an evaluation vote.
  • Complete a short quiz regarding moderation and hosting
  • Host a 30m patrol as part of your evaluation at either PBCC or Mega Miners, to be overseen by a Director

Specialist Operator Extra Responsibilities:

  • Hosting patrols
  • Moderating the public communications server
  • Helping lower ranked members with questions and preventing them from breaking the handbook rules
  • Participating in promotion consensus discussions / votes
    This is an invite-only rank, please do not ask for an evaluation or to be promoted to this rank.

Director Requirements:

Director is the last achievable rank in PL. There is no points requirement for this rank, however they must be recommended by any Director+ and pass a promotion vote unanimously.

Director Responsibilities:

  • Hosting community events (Patrols / Trainings / Gamenights)
  • Moderating the public communications server
  • Dealing with handbook violations and distributing punishments where necessary
  • Handling evaluations, consensus discussions and promotions.
  • Participating in Director+ votes

This is an invite-only rank, please do not ask to be promoted to this rank.

Head of Logistics

The Head of Logistics is the last rank in PL, and cannot be earnt unless the current HoL resigns. This rank can only be achieved through Director recommendation and passing a unanimous vote following departure of an existing HoL.

How to earn points:

At this time there are only two ways to earn points- by attending official events or joining group patrols.

Official Events

Events are announced both through our communication server's respective channels, as well as on our group wall.



Patrols are our main events, and will always be hosted at a public PBCC or Mega Miners server. Patrols will generally start at the Generator Control Room near CB1A- feel free to ask your host if you get lost!

Patrols can award a maximum of 2 points per 15m + bonus. For example, if a patrol is scheduled for 30 minutes, you can earn at most 4 points + bonus, 45m = 6 points + bonus, etc.

To earn a bonus, you should stand out to your host- show excellent communication skills- those who attend the event fully are also more likely to be given a bonus- however the bonus is entirely up to the event host and there are no guidelines for it.



Trainings are hosted at either a PBCC or PBSTAC private server, and can give a maximum of 4 points. These events will often focus more on general activities such as combat and obbies alongside practical skills for duties while patrolling. Only Directors+ can host trainings.

Group Patrols

Group patrols are patrols that can be hosted by any member of the community in Pinewood Logistics. This is a new means of gaining points we've introduced due to a lack of availability from event hosts during school times, as well as to boost community engagement.

Group Patrols

How to Host

To host a group patrol, you must be part of our community Discord server, which you can find the invite link to on our Group Page . Once verified, find the “#group-patrols” channel and create a post, including a link to your profile.

During your group patrol, send a screenshot of your attendance in the channel every 10 minutes. You must have the Kronos UTC Clock open in this screenshot.

How to Join

To attend a group patrol, simply find a post in the above-mentioned channel, and join the host through their profile link. You can join these at any point, but remember to /whisper the host when you do.

Earning Points

To earn points from a group patrol, the host is responsible for sending screenshots to the forum post to prove attendance and the times. These should be sent every 10 minutes, and the Kronos UTC Clock must be open and visible in this screenshot.

From these events, you can earn 1 point per 10 minutes. No bonuses can be given from group patrols.

Remember to have your ranktag enabled and set to ‘PB’ and have an official uniform equipped whenever attending any PBL event.

Additional Information

Map of PBCC metro stations:

Meltdown / Freezedown Procedures

Meltdown / Freezedown

Your tasks:

During a meltdown or freezedown at PBCC, your responsibilities revolve around working with PET to evacuating visitors to safe areas, including launching the escape rockets and running trains to get visitors to the safety zone near the PBRF cargo lift.

Additionally, you’ll need to maintain the generators- keeping them running and fully fueled using Cargo Trains. Check the PET handbook here

You should not be attempting to activate E-Coolant- leave this for PBST, PET and other visitors while you handle evacuations.

Missile Trains:

During a meltdown or freezedown, a ‘Derail on Sight’ (DoS) order is automatically placed on all Missile trains, as they pose a serious threat and can disrupt evacuation procedures.

This means you should attempt to derail any missile trains you see while avoiding an explosion. You can kill the driver if necessary, but remember to give a warning beforehand though. (Exception: If missiles are active, you do not need to warn them)


Occasionally, TMS may be given permission to do a No-Survivor-Run (NSR) following a meltdown or freezedown. In this case, they’ll try to block the launch silos and block visitors from escaping using them.

If an NSR is authorised, do NOT take visitors to the launch silos- take them to the PBRF Cargo Lift safe zone. Remember, TMS are not on our KoS even during a meltdown or freezedown NSR. If a TMS member attacks you, you are of course free to fight back.

Areas of focus

Areas of focus:

While on-duty for Pinewood Logistics, you can choose to focus on one of two areas; the transit or cargo systems. In PBCC, these refer to use of either the passenger or cargo vehicles respectively.


If focusing on the transit systems, you are responsible for handling track blockages and transporting visitors across the map to wherever they want to go using any of the passenger vehicles available. Passenger vehicles include the train that can be spawned from the Main Transit Hub, the truck that can be spawned from the Cargo Bay 1A parking zone, any of the buggies or the PET truck from the PET HQ.



Cargo operations can be completed using either the cargo trains (Missile / Regular) that can be spawned near the Core Station, or the forklift spawned at Cargo Bay 1A. Your duties while handling cargo operations include keeping generator fuel and coolant supply topped up and transporting cargo from the cargo bays to where it needs to go. (Up to player discretion)

If driving a nuke train, you must be extremely careful to ensure you don’t explode- these trains are very fragile and can explode from the smallest impact.


Other important PB Links

Official PB Handbooks

Referenced Games: