Pipe Dash (RACING MODE) is looking for feedback!

Your guess is as good as mine! Roblox just stopped recommending it and we’re back to square one. My theory is that it could be related to the fact that I’ve been changing my icon daily (testing different ones to find most clickable), but also maybe it gave a month of good traffic and decided that it’s enough. Pipe Dash isn’t well monetized, so there’s little incentive for Roblox to feature it.

It is how it is, I’ll keep working on updates and see how it goes :slight_smile:


Despite algorithm hiccups, Pipe Dash finally reached 2 million play milestone!

Meanwhile, the game got many small updates, many icon changes, still working on ways to improve onboarding and retention.

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Finally, started to work on custom camera controls for the track building and I’m very excited to see how this turns out. Should be huge for mobile players, because currently workshop is borderline unusable.

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New workshop camera controls are live for testing! Despite a few quirks, I’d say they work pretty well. On desktop, when active, camera can be controlled either with WASD or mouse wheel (holding CTRL or SHIFT will change angle and lift).


If this won’t improve playtime on mobile, I don’t know what will…

This seems very interesting, I’ve been scrolling through here for like 10 minutes, seeing your progress, premium payouts, other stuff like that. This game seems like it could average around 1k players a day. Good luck on your journey!

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1k players would be amazing! Hopefully, I’ll get there one day, but lately it’s been swinging between 50-150 without any signs of growth. Playtime isn’t ideal (7 minutes, should be 8+ at the minimum) and I’m out of clear ideas of what could I add to impact it.

More social features definitely needed. Or something drastic, like making the game much easier for everyone. Majority of the players prefer easily beatable, almost no challenge, tracks.

Figured, I’d share some stats to anyone who scrolled this far or followed the game since the beginning.

Things aren’t that bad, this is just to grab your attention and point out that player counts can swing a lot. At the moment they average around 100CCU over the week, but can go from as low as 20 in early weekday mornings in United States to as high as 300 on weekends.

Playtime bounces at the bottom, which is my biggest concern and will likely be what kills the game (in a sense that it’ll never grow with the help of Roblox algorithm). The reason is most likely higher difficulty and complexity of the game compared to what casual players are looking for.

Same thing with retention. It is at the bottom of the “recommended range”. More social features needed.


Now the part that everyone is most interested in… OVERALL at the current player activity the game is earning around 30k ROBUX/month. That might seem very low to some and simulators/tycoons might earn 10x from the same CCU, but keep in mind low engagement and mild monetization. 70% of that comes from sponsored player time and the rest - item and game pass sales.

Track tipping system didn’t really take off and not sure if it ever will.

That’s all for now. Work continues, although I slower, because I have other projects to attend to. As far as promotion goes, I’m trying out SocialSeed for sponsored videos rather than investing in ads. Also doing some local track building contests.

This was REALLY hard to close on mobile, but really cool game :smiley:

Oh dear, that is not supposed to happen :smiley: I will fix as soon as possible, thank you for report. Tweaking everything to fit all mobile phone ratios is a struggle…

Personally, I want to complete as many new tracks whenever I join the game and the issue was that it was time consuming to ride around and try to spot if I have a completion badge or not. So now I added big stars on all of the tracks that indicate the completion state.

Not sure if this is the best way, but I like it so far.

Had to remove the builder name plate, but I have different plans for that one.


yooo, i’m so glad this game is slowly starting to gain more traction!

Very slowly, haha. Weekends are great (up to 300 CCU), weekdays still drop to 50 CCU. Video from a bigger youtuber could probably push it upwards, but I can’t afford bigger paid sponsorships and nobody is baiting organically.

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This game was WAY better than I ever expected! You did an absolutely amazing job at this game, and I could actually see this game doing numbers.

I think your goal right now should be overall revamping the shop UI in the top left, since I had to SEARCH for how to change my boards. I think that by doing this you could greatly improve the revenue stream for Pipe Dash and thus Roblox will push the game more.

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Interesting. I didn’t think it was needed, because there are also 2 in-map points to access the shop, but you do make a good point and I do see way too many people playing with default boards and trails when there are so many nicer ones.

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I also noticed a lack of sound in your game, I think it’d be really nice if there was a skateboard sound or something as I’m playing to give me that greater mental feedback.

There’s a skateboard/riding sound loop, but it’s only playing in the tracks. Would make sense to also play it when riding around the map too.

And more sounds definitely are needed. That crash SFX is already driving me crazy :smiley:

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uhh hey something isnt right…

I hit an object on a Workshop track and got flung infinitely into the sky

Oh my, I have no clue what is happening here. Did you remember which object was it? Either way… The game should definitely NOT do this.

Hope this helps! The text animation will be less frequent in the game and can be stopped by opening the shop. I was also thinking about temporarily showing a feature board on the button itself in the viewport frame (like it is in the shop), but am worried about performance on slower devices.


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Hi! I don’t know what it is but your game freezes constantly it makes it hard to complete pipes :sob: (might be cuz I’m on console not sure)