Pixelated Textures gets blurry

As a Roblox Developer, i will create my own game (a Voxel Game) and i use commonly Roblox Textures for rendering pixelated textures. Here a screenshot:

But i encountered a problem with any textures on Roblox, Roblox use only one interpolation mode (bilinear) and it render textures blurry at low size. You need today to upscale your texture (1024x1024 maximum)

Here some screenshots:


This problem can be fix by upscaling the textures but not. Its still blurry in certain case. Thats problematic.

To have a better support for pixelated textures we need more interpolation mode for textures !
Like ImageLabel ResampleMode

/!\ Do not use this for A voxel game that use textures ! Thats not an option, the GUIObjects are not optimized for it, you’ll see it yourself btw.

So i ask probably if a Roblox Game-Engine Dev see my post for have InterpolationMode for Textures Objects and MeshParts. Please.

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I don’t think you need help, why do you post it in #help-and-feedback:art-design-support? Post it in #feature-requests or #bug-reports

this wouldnt be a bug report, but def a #feature-requests ,
I do really hope roblox adds this, cause it would make life so much easier


Sorry i’m new in the devforum, it seems i don’t have access this category i guess.

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I notice another problem with bilinear.
Horrible lines here.

and here

They are here beacause of this

the texture is stretch and the interpolation mode do his job but thats ugly with thos horrible lines.

But before you post it there, first look that there isn’t a post like yours already.

not a bug report at all, thats a feature request. Thanks


But before you post it there, first look that there isn’t a post like yours already.