Place could not be loaded - HttpError: Timedout

My internet is fine, I’m able to open other games just not this one. I’m pretty sure it’s because this game has a lot of assets so it takes longer to load, and then it times out before the game is able to finish loading


This is also happening to me


and my wifi is fine


Hey there! Here is the solution I have found to this:

  1. If the error pops up click retry
  2. When the loading screen comes up press cancel
  3. Retry going into the game
    I encounter this error everyday and this is a constant problem. Let me know if you need me to create a video of how to follow these steps!

Hi thanks for the report and sorry for the late response. Are you still experiencing this issue? Also, the place you provided is private so I can’t really access it.


im experiencing this issue right now


Apologies for a late reply. Could you please check if that’s still an issue for you? Since it was reported, we had done a number of fixes regarding assets loading, and I hope this was already addressed.
If not, could you please make the place file you linked public?


Hi, I’m experiencing this issue right now, as well as many missing assets. Here is my post as well as someone else’s that is going through the same kind of thing. Mine: Roblox Studio Acting Up (Assets not loading in including Roblox Defaults) - Help and Feedback / Platform Usage Support - Developer Forum | Roblox

Theirs: Missing textures and icons - Help and Feedback / Platform Usage Support - Developer Forum | Roblox

Are these issues related?

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I’m experiencing this issue as well. Some games will open but it’ll stop loading assets and just return HTTP 500


(here’s the image of my output, you can see it’s not loading assets.)

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Yes, same thing happens to me.

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I as well am getting the issue Jaiden (2 posts above sent). It has been occurring since 11pm PST last night.

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Just to follow-up are you still encountering issues with assets loading or loading into your place?

I feel like this issue has actually worsened over the past year to date. When starting the simulation more than a few times per hour, and especially when doing it using the “Local Server” feature, a myriad of issues might occur. For example, with the Local Server testing, often times the server window or client windows will not open until they finally error out with the following message:


When opening a place, Studio will often lock up entirely until it loads the place with something along the lines of the following messages:

Sometimes, when starting the simulation, the character will frequently fail to load in. After around a minute of waiting with the camera detached at the origin, the character with body parts or accessories missing or even the default noob character will load in instead. This, unfortunately, can end up happening enough to the point where it is more likely for me to start a simulation and have that wait than for it to start successfully in a timely manner.

Another issue that has been occurring quite frequently is getting stuck on this screen after starting the simulation:

Often times, I might load in but critical systems (such as DataStoreService) are not functioning:

Assets (often sounds but sometimes mesh/texture/etc data falls prone to this as well) will often fail to load with vague messages alluding as to why:

It is worth noting that there is a noticeable increase in occurrence in these events the more I am performing these actions - the more I start the simulation or open places, the more likely it is for the requests to fall through.

All in all, these issues have made it rather challenging to work on the platform. Just trying to get the simulation started without Studio preventing me from doing so feels more akin to pulling the rip cord on a lawn mower rather than a one-click process.


I’m experiencing this issue, but the error provides no details at all. I kept trying to load in my place for 10 times already, and yes I’ve restarted my computer already. Not sure if this is a roblox issue, or an issue on my end.


edit: it’s been fixed somehow

Yes it is, I am unable to open any games,the severity of this bug is insane as you are unable to do any updates to a game or create a game,kindly please fix the bug.

It happens sometimes, roblox just doesn’t work at all.
Whenever I try to open studio it doesn’t work.


Infact whenever I join a game, roblox items doesn’t even load in (even after 30 minutes)
And my wifi is completely fine, ive tried playing other mutiplayer games and even tried to download files, it was completely fine.

So its only happening with roblox.
I even tried to clear my DNS cache (which sometimes works and sometimes not)

Steps tried:

  • Restarting wifi
  • Changing wifi ghz
  • Clearing DNS cache
  • Restarting pc

This issue happens randomly and it also randomly fixes, the last time I experienced this was 14 days ago.

EDIT: I found the fix, I re-installed roblox client (roblox player) and its now fixed.
Its probably has to do something with roblox client.


Apparently, your workaround is temporary, I might want a permanent solution to this


but it only errors specifically for that place

but for other places it works fine. the place had too many assets, which might be the reason why, I might work on my plugin that i had planned a few days ago

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I can’t find a permanent solution, thats why I post it here to let the staffs know and get it fixed.
This issue is here for years now.

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yes, but it fixed by itself. I don’t know why this issue sometimes come back