Play to Click Ratio for Ads

CTR isn’t a very useful measure of how effective ads are. Some of my most funny and irrelevant ads might get 4% CTR but only 20% of the people who click visit my game, while my serious ads might get 1% CTR but 90% of the people who click visit. What matters to me as a developer isn’t that people merely see my game’s page. It’s that they actually play the game.

For a relatively unknown developer with a finished game, there’s virtually nothing to do but advertise, advertise, and advertise. It’s essential that we have a proper measure of how effective our ads are.

Group ads should have a join to click ratio and catalog items should have a buy to click ratio as Christina mentioned here:

EDIT: Also, people can blow up the CTR by clicking the ad a hundred times, though this is a problem with how the site generates CTR, not CTR itself.


I definitely like the idea. However, in my opinion, it should just be clicks/views to actions, just for front-end simplicity; not all different names like this: “Clicks to Plays”, “Clicks to Purchases”

Click to Buy, Click To Join, I can smell the usefulness of this data already :smiley:

I’m currently unable to really compare the effectiveness of my ads versus my sponsored game advertising. This feature is still very much needed. People are dumping real money into advertising and we don’t have all the tools we need.


100% agree.

Merely was working on ROI (Return on Investment) tracking for user ads. So you could spend 1000 tickets on an ad and it would track how many people clicked that ad, played your game, and sometime later, bought something.

It would then tell you “Nick, you spent 10k on ads last week and you made 30k from those ads”. Maybe it would even have breakdowns where you could see what dev products/game passes people were actually buying.

I always loved this feature, because it seemed to me that if you can make 30k running 10k of ads, you are going to run ads all day long. On the other hand, if your ads are garbage and you make 1k after 10k of ads, you are going to fix your ads/game. The end result should be much more targeted adverts on ROBLOX.