Players don't join my game. Can't find a problem

Hey! A few hours ago I ran ads for my game for quite a large amount of robux (I planned to continue advertising for the next 4 days) but I got a problem. Even with a pretty low CTR (The last time it was 1.75% however now its only 0.6%) the ad has about 200 clicks but only 70 players have joined the game so far. I can’t figure out why it’s happening so maybe you know the reason? :grinning:

The ad


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How much?

Maybe the name sounds generic?

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People sometimes click the ad’s but, don’t get in the game.

I spent 5k robux

Yes, maybe but I don’t have any ideas for a new one :neutral_face:

It’s very low for ads.

What’s the CT? The difference between the CPC and CPP?

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Yes, I know but in my case only 30% have joined the game

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I still have 15k more but I think it should be more efficient to spend that robux within 3-4 days

Maybe your ad was good but the thumbnail and description was less artistic

If CPP was 30%+ than CPC then you need to revamp the thumbnail and description

Checking out your ad and game, no offense but there is nothing that really stands out about either. The “NOOB / PRO” ad is quite generic and I wouldn’t even bat an eyelid if I saw it.



The second thumbnail also has one of these and it undermines whatever the game is supposed to be about.


Moreover, the game-passes kind of ruin any credibility your game has left. Is this supposed to be a simulator? Contrary to popular opinion, simulators don’t get much traction unless they’re unique and get hundreds of thousands put into ads. I basically turn off the moment I see a “X2” gamepass.



The title " [NEW ISLAND​:ocean:] My Village Tycoon :cowboy_hat_face:" doesn’t really stand out either. You might find this article helpful: Naming your game and presenting it to the public

Again, no offense but I haven’t even played your game and I’ve already decided that I could never enjoy myself in this. 0.66% CTR is actually not bad considering the above in my opinion.

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It’s not that bad actually, it’s roughly 60$ spent on ads. He might’ve even overdone it, actually. Just my opinion though for now + using 2% brain power.

Anyway, I’ve checked your game, it has a lot of potential, so to assure players actually play it here’s some stuff I think could help:

  • The cowboy emoji is rlly off-putting for me (in the title), I laughed a bit but I would replace it with something that represents your game - maybe a farmer or crop.

  • I know you might’ve paid for it, but I’d get rid of the gfx that says: lvl 0 farmer - lvl 999 farmer. It’s the generic stuff you’d see in a clickbait video, and I know it’s targeted for children and all but it’s weird nonetheless.

  • Description might be a little too brief. Maybe 1 or 2 more sentences could be added.

I’m not a pro but, this is what I think. Hope it helps =p

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Sorry but, to add on, I really like the other gfx and the game icon. Definitely keep them.

60$ vs hundred of thousands of competitors, it’s not much.
We need to precise the goal. What is it? What are you trying to achieve with your money?
Usually either to be featured by roblox In discover or to make the budget back.

For the common goal, with a decent marketing strategy you’ll still need at least a hundred thousand robux.

I consider it a complete waste of Robux to do that, rather than spend that money to work on your game, and to improve the quality of it by hiring devs with that money.

Twisted, I know, but 5k Robux should have generated a steady player base of 5-10 players at any given time. Think that that would be ideal. And to earn that money back is a challenge. Unless you’re paying for it with real money.

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Do you think, a game with only 10 players will be shown to anyone? Hm?
I hope you understand the fact that in 2010, making games in roblox could be just games, but now, it’s a business. By having a perfect product with no marketing, it will not sell.

It doesn’t need to be shown to “everyone” just yet. To make a game expand to a bigger audience, of course it starts slow and builds up overtime.

Plus, the idea behind Roblox isn’t to put children in business - it’s to imagine and create fun experiences for others to play. You shouldn’t be taking this as seriously. It’s not life or death.

Well here I’m talking about the tiniest success to achieve a few hundred dollars off a creation, of course we could be doing this purely for hobby but as you can see OG is currently asking about marketing which is linked with profiting.

Not everyone has 100k sitting in their account. I was proposing a more realistic approach.

Hey, thank you for your advices! I think it’ll definitely help me :smile:

Can you advice what type of ad should I use? I just don’t have experience with working on such a games

I’ll replace it. It seemed to me that the cowboy emoiji looks like a farmer because of his hat LOL

I already removed it. I’ve made it myself so its not a problem :grinning:

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Oh alright, glad you found my feedback useful. Take care =p

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No starting funds = No profit :frowning:
I suggest finding an investor if necessary.
However if you’re not aiming for profitability then ignore what I’ve said