Please update backpack, player name, and vehicle speed CoreGuis already

this is getting more and more ridiculous; now that you’ve replaced chat (why is the background opacity and corner size completely different from the leaderboard?), the leaderboard, and are about to replace the topbar for the second time in a row (why is it so tall now?), these are looking more and more disconnected. they haven’t changed in nearly any way since may 2015, and the health bar on players still has the same bug where the size of the health bar is occasionally scaled wrong

i’m not asking for a complete overhaul or anything, at least just change the fonts to Gotham and darken the background color and put in some round corners, like you did for the escape menu

you could use the opportunity to make the overhead health bar be visually consistent with the topbar one (and maybe make the topbar health bar not be ant-sized, i don’t get why it’s still nearly invisible when it doesn’t have to be squeezed under the player name in the topbar anymore)

i know that nowadays you expect developers to replace all of the CoreGUI themselves, but a LOT of games still do use these…


Also all of the of the prompt GUIs that look like they come from 2013


I know what you are saying but these are things that are barely used in big games, these will probably not get touched in a while because of how low priority they are.


I disagree because most people are solo indie devs and they aren’t masters at UI many games were made by indie devs on Roblox and it better to put more time into making the game fun then fixing the old garbage core UI


Like me I hate doing UI for now at least

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I understand but it still is a low priority for roblox, things that are low priority usually take a long time before seeing any updates.


I would like it better if they remade the leaderboard to make it actually good like it used to be instead of messing up something else

Yes I am pessimistic

Big games are not the only games on this platform made of billions of games.

People opt to replace these themselves because they look horrendous.


As I have stated above:

My point is that, it doesn’t affect as many games as chat/leaderboards. So that makes it less of a priority meaning the chances of it being affected by a change are low

Roblox doesn’t look at what the general public does, or uses. Only what big money making games do, since they are the ones keeping their website running.

Believe it or not, but

  • The humanoid display name system was broken recently, specifically the health bar, and then fixed again.
  • Backpack still uses Draggable
  • You forgot to mention the 2015 menu still using deprecated objects but just styled a little differently.

I can understand VehicleSeats, as they’re functionally deprecated, but the backpack still using Draggable should not be exempt.


The health script has wait and not task… the camera scripts are weird and laggy unless forked, and camerasubject should be on the head (my preference haha)
Fixing Roblox's Camera (Interpolation) (current fix)… default animate script doesn’t use humanoid.Animator

I need this backpack change at the least with more customizability.

wait isn’t too bad, not like getfenv. Camera scripts are extremely unoptimized though, you have a point.

The default health script is legit so weird to me, I believe it uses some weird references like FindFirstChild’Humanoid’ or something like that. It’s incredibly unoptimal in general.

The camera system should imo always be forked so it interpolates, has smooth shiftlock, and other quality of life changes.

All of these old scripts including the backpack use deprecated methods, and developers have to compensate for that themselves. I might just release a pack of “fixed” playerscripts.

The deprecated objects are owned by Roblox too, so it really does not matter if they break or not.

There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s actually more optimized for the interpreter since there’s less characters to parse.

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You’re right, it’s just weird to read for me haha, maybe I’ll start using things like these for optimization.

Except the Roblox Style Guide explicitly forbids this. Also, any theoretical speed gain would be microscopic.

I think Roblox should definitely add some sort of direct functionality to opt out of CoreGui changes before updating something like the display name text or the health bar under it. A lot of devs, myself included, prefer the appearance of the older UIs like the legacy chat UI.

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Can’t argue with that. Wonder why so many old scripts used single quotes.

I agree with the point of this, although a low priority, it would be a nice quality of life change.

Sometimes I like little changes Roblox does such as the chat, leaderboard, and the upcoming beta feature of draggable instances.

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