New Laser Tag Studio Template!

FPS System is just the basics of this. It has the guns, and a basic testing map with dummies. Laser Tag has a full map and a basic rounds system, along with the guns.


Where can I test it with friends?


i :heart: the new laser tag studio template


Trying to figure out how to disable the built-in view models is rather annoying, seems to break everything.


The main issue I have with the new templates is their complexity.

For anyone trying to learn LUAU from scratch, understanding these templates doesn’t happen. Despite my experience scripting on Roblox for several years, I still find myself confused while reading the code inside these new projects.

I believe Roblox Studio would benefit from, Simpler templates. With code that explains what it’s doing, rather than just “working”, Especially considering that many users that use the templates are children.

You can’t expect someone who never touched LUAU, let alone any code, to understand what they’re looking at.




The blasters are cool and fun to play with. Excited to see more modern templates.

But if Roblox is making new templates that utilize the default backpack, seems like a good time to finally update its UI.
I get that these are just meant to be simple templates, but it feels ironic for a “modern” game to use outdated 2015-era UI.


found a typo in the Rounds script, literally unusable template /j


short answer. absolutely :joy: (ahhhhhhhhhh roblox lemme replllyyyy)


These templates are made to be used as is. If you want to modify, you are going to need to be a professional scripter or hire one.


This is definitely a step in the right direction, everything looks and feels good with the template so far, but…

WHY would you upload it without even having an aim down sights button in 2024? That alone makes this system unusable in most military/combat games. Aiming down sights is a huge part of an FPS design, and if you were going to code it yourself as an add-on to this then you might as well just code your own FPS system with how much work it would take to add aiming down sights to this template.

It’s also missing sprint/crouch/prone/tilt options and there is no jump animation, I would say these features could be easily added but without any documentation I’m not sure how much of a process each feature would be to implement until digging into the scripts.

Lets say you just want to add sprinting, well coding a button to change your walk speed is easy - but then you also have to add a sprint animation to the gun system and code in when to play the animation but you also have code all the other animations to stop - and make the gun not fire while sprinting or stop sprinting when shooting.

For a template to really be a ‘template’ you need to be able to easily add on new features, and you really can’t with this (especially with no documentation like the fortnite template at least had) you can only edit the already existing features customizable values.

And before you brush off my critique you should check out the gun system I made myself from the ground up so you can see that I may actually know what I’m talking about. I coded and animated everything myself, it has crouch/prone/tilt and even slides/dives when sprinting. It can also be used in first or third person, and works on all devices, and functions with all body types. May not be the prettiest thing but at least it’s fully functional.


can make a template of tower defense so we can study how its done I don’t know to get it start


I would like to express my concerns regarding the current state of the template you have provided for new players. It appears that the label of ‘template’ may be somewhat misleading, as the ease of editing, which is typically associated with templates, seems to be lacking in this instance.

In fact, it has come to my attention that making modifications to the code, particularly in relation to weapons, is quite challenging without inadvertently causing disruptions or errors. This complexity could potentially deter new players who are still familiarizing themselves with Roblox Studio.

Therefore, I kindly request that you consider incorporating a comprehensive tutorial into the template. This would greatly assist new players in understanding how to effectively make changes to the code without causing any unintended consequences. A step-by-step guide could significantly enhance the user experience and make the process of editing much more accessible and manageable.

Edit:@DonatellaVonguarde pretty much said another way of what I said, It’s very true.


I disagree with the idea that these templates are meant to be used “as is” and that one needs to be a professional scripter or hire one to make modifications.

The official roblox documentation says: “Templates are uncopylocked experiences that provide a set of default objects in the starting place’s data model that you can use to start your projects.” Therefore making a “Template” to be used as is would be contradictory.

Additionally, not everyone has the resources to hire a professional scripter.

Additionally #2, even modifying the map is its own difficult task due to its mesh-based design. This adds another layer of complexity for beginners.


Fr. Roblox is just out of touch with the idea that a lot of young kids want to make games they can play with their friends, and modular design with easy drag and drop/copy pasteable scripts/code is going to be the only thing they’ll actually be capable of doing. More Roblox Staff time spent on templates that won’t be used by anybody, because the only ones that can actually make something larger scale out of the template are going to be the people that have the technical know-how to make a game from scratch in the first place. Love the Roblox team adding templates but it’s almost like they think nothing through. Like THINK guys, WHOS going to be using templates to begin with? smh


I’d really love to see some expansion on templates like these, would be a big help in learning about certain designs.


I don’t think templates are meant to be turned into huge games, but they are helpful because you can go into them and get a good idea on how to do things. I’ve used templates to understand physics, coding methods, etc.


make a template for rng game‍‍‍


Wow this is awesome! Love the gun design aswell


I mean that’s great that you can find use for them, but why CAN’T templates be used to make huge games? There’s no reason why the Roblox team can’t make something that kids can create something with by using modular kits. It’s kind of a no brainer idk. They’re just clearly out of touch with HOW people really use the platform, and how much better the overall roblox experience would be if creating quality games was more accessible and more streamlined. They’re getting better though, noticeably over the past few years. But they still don’t really understand how we all use the platform, why we like it, and the vision we see for it.

TLDR templates are useless because they don’t allow beginners to make anything of quality due to lack of modular design/kits/tools for beginners.


You can, but I haven’t seen any games that are successful who started off of a template. Templates are meant to teach, not give you a free game to publish.

Look at the coding, design etc. whatever it offers, and learn from it. It’s not complicated.