PointLight erroneously removed from "Egg of Destiny"

One concern here is that some so-called developers might create false issues in their games just to get PointLight removed. This means that your integrity policy could be easily exploited—I can see that coming before even finishing the sentence. Either way, if I claim that I’m heavily affected because I’m making a dark-themed game and that leads to the effect being removed, then I don’t see any point in restoring the effect at all.

That being said, there’s a precedent for this. As stated on the Wiki page, back in the day, players who wore the Egg of Destiny item in @asimo3089’s Jailbreak were kicked from the game. I felt the need to bring this up because some developers have been taking precautions against special-effect items for years, and they might not want to see such unique effects in their games. I don’t know the exact reason behind that case, but if any reports do come in, instead of completely ruining the very reason the asset became popular, I believe you could simply recommend that developers remove the hat from their games if they have an issue with it.

The main issue is that most of us don’t even have the ability to submit this as a feature request, so simply recommending it isn’t very effective. Since feature request applications haven’t been reviewed for years and access to the group remains restricted, it’s hard to see how this approach is any more accommodating than directly declining the request.

In my opinion, all items with special effects (at least accessories containing PointLight, since there are many effect-based items, including some toy code exclusives) should be Limited. These items stand out due to their effects, making them somewhat valuable in the long run. Additionally, since they are old and unobtainable, that means they’ll remain locked to only a few specific active accounts forever.

By making them resellable, there could be an active circulation of copies, which would be a great addition to the Limited trading ecosystem. This would not only give newer players and active users the opportunity to obtain and experience these unique effects, but it would also ensure that these items don’t remain permanently restricted to just a handful of accounts. It would create a fairer and more dynamic marketplace where these effects can still be seen and enjoyed in experiences across the platform, rather than fading into obscurity.

I’m just trying to understand the reasoning behind preventing both active users and new players from ever having access to them, despite their unique appeal and value to the community.


Or they can just do this.

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(Character: Model)
	for _,v in Character:GetChildren() do
		if v:IsA("Accessory") and v.Handle:FindFirstChild("PointLight") then
	Character.ChildAdded:Connect(function(_instanceToRemove: Instance)
		if _instanceToRemove:IsA("Accessory") and _instanceToRemove.Handle:FindFirstChild("PointLight") then

Alternatively, add an option in workspace to enable or disable any type of special effect in an accessory.

Default: Do nothing.
Disable: Disable the effects


Just to be clear, Egg of Destiny used to have a script inside it that caused errors to appear in the developer console. Considering this accessory was removed and not the Sparkle Time Pumpkin, I believe the script was the cause of the items removal.


Thanks you for fixing the issues! It was broken for 5 years. @RosetteTigress , I would like to thank you for bringing this to ROBLOX attention. @Klaugrana001 , I would like to thank you for fixing the hats. The Pointlight was a special part of this historical hat, it was the very first ROBLOX hat to have that pointlight features, as well the very first hat to have Dynamic Lighting.


Hey! Just wanted to give a heads up for everyone before this thread closes! Following Klaugrana’s suggestion, qliz wrote a feature request for a toggle to disable item effects. I believe this would benefit both the players who want to keep these cool effects in casual games, and the devs who want to keep their competitive games fair! If you have any experience trying to control item effects in your games, I’d love to see your thoughts in the replies!