Public Sound Effects Upload Are Now Available for Creators

Can you provide the asset ids of the audio you uploaded so I can take a look? Feel free to DM me if you don’t want them on a public forum.

Moderation history is the same as before this update.

If the voice line sounds too musical or rap-like it may not be classified as a sound effect. However in general this feature was built for sound effects rather than voice overs.

Please see the audio upload agreement here along with the agreements on the audio distribution page

This update is only for sound effects, not music.


Do you have examples of some of the longer sound effects you would use? In our analysis most sound effects were under this limit but it would be good to know if we missed a common use case! Additionally you can still upload longer sound effects for your own experiences but you will not be able to distribute them on the Creator Store

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Why do we need ID verification for everything? Many people can’t/don’t want to give their ID to a massive corporation and trust that “it won’t be sent to a third party”. Stop with the ID verification roblox.

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Hi Complex, I have a couple of questions!

  1. Why new distributed sound effects are classified as unknown and cannot be modified with specific genre such as third-party published sound effects?
    New sound effect:
    Third-party sound effect:
    And will we be able to change genres and audio types soon?

  2. On what terms is a sound effect defined? What requirements must the audio meet before it gets classified as a sound effect?

  3. Will there be more options for metadata editing for all types of audio including artist, title, genres etc?

  4. Would it be possible to implement an explicit 17+ audio option which would allow audio to be available for more mature publicity e.g. only inside 17+ experiences.

Overall this update is a great addition for developers which can use the available assets from the Creator Store.

To clarify, yes, groups themselves cannot obtain audio from the Store because groups do not have a sense of inventory like users do. However, group experiences can still use distributed audio since the inventory grant would only happen to the user that is inserting the audio asset into that group experience.

Please note that inventory grant does not occur during script use; you will observe an error in the console prompting you to explicitly grant the group experience permissions to use the distributed audio asset – the grant will be successful as long as you have the audio asset in your personal user inventory.


Thanks for your question. Group-owned experiences can still use distributed audio assets as long as it has the permissions to use that asset. Depending on your workflow for inserting audio, implicit permissions may be granted (no work on your side to grant) or you may observe an error in the console to explicitly grant permissions. Either way, the person doing the granting to your group-experience needs to have that distributed audio asset in their inventory.

For your second question … Once the experience has access to use that audio asset, it doesn’t matter if you remove their rank in the group or remove them from the group entirely. Your experience will still retain access to use that audio asset.

Currently, there is no live notification informing you that your application was approved; please re-visit the page shortly after submitting your application and you should see the current status of it.

You can also phone-verify to increase your monthly audio upload limit. However, distributing audio on Store requires IDV.

Hi Blanka,

  1. Since we don’t allow users to specify the type of audio we mark it as unknown. For third party audio we worked with the companies we got the audio from to fill in the metadata fields.
  2. Generally a sound effect is anything that does not have a musical quality to it. For example gun shots, engine noises, wind howls, etc are sound effects. Singing, rapping, single/multiple instruments playing, and full blown songs are considered not to be sound effects. If you have an asset you think should be considered a sound effect but was not please provide the asset id and I can look into it.
  3. We are looking into it but there is no timeline yet
  4. Roblox currently does not support 17+ assets which includes audio

So, from I understand, it automatically distinguishes melodic audio from plain sound audio. It’s probably made to prohibit possible copyright violations or audio bypassing, good step forward.

About 17+ audio, it was a suggestion. I believe it would be a great addition which could expand opportunities for audio and would be liked by both creators and players.

Also, one more, from what I’ve seen new public audio is different from other public audio where audio published by companies (marked as public domain) can be playable anywhere, meanwhile the new audio can be only playable if the creator/developer acquires it. And the question is, is this intentional move to make the possible copyright violations or bypasses more closed out and allow only creators to pick the audio they need, or is it unintentional.

Anyways, thanks for your reply!

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Ambiance, factories and machine sounds, honestly I don’t want to bother trying to justify something that is so obviously useful. How about we reverse things, prove to me why we are only limited to 10 seconds bud?

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Why not? Seems like a useful feature that is in other marketplaces. Odd, problematic limitation.

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As he mentioned they’re looking into metadata editing, so it’s not really a limitation.

This update is for sound effects, if you need longer sound effect just split it in half. Also music shouldn’t be allowed back for uploading by users ever again (subjective).

Didn’t say anything about music mate.

No, I won’t split my ambience (wind, birds chirpping, etc) into tons of different files just to be able to share it to others.

Expect better of this platform man.


audio that is shorter than 10 seconds can still be a little loud tho

You can still upload SFX, ambiences and the other stuff that are longer than ten seconds. This change is only for audio you want to make public and not the ones you’ll use in your game.

Yes, I know. Notice how I said:

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Finally, sounds are coming back! (sort of)

uh oh

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From what I’ve heard, you can still appeal audio uploads in general but you can’t appeal the decision on whether the asset qualifies as a sound effect

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