Public Sound Effects Upload Are Now Available for Creators

my id was used on an alt and so now im stuck never being able to use this feature

You can re-use your id on another account every 30 days.

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idk if ill falling for trollbait but where did u come to that conclusion?

the 3rd party just doesnt accept my id.

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There used to be something on the age verification FAQs confirming that an ID can only be verified on one account but they either changed it or I can’t find it anymore.

new definition of “public” just dropped: “requires an application”


Experience with all my accounts, I couldn’t re-use my id untill a month passed.

Well this doesn’t specifically say that ‘Search for all creators where name ~= Roblox’.
We are looking for the ability to specifically filter out only roblox audios.

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This change has broke a large chunk of audio in my experience. Please fix the permissions problems!

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Whatever you guys end up doing in the long run, please make it so that public music does not take being in the inventory of a place owner to play in game, so that jukeboxes and music players can still work. Especially if you’re already going to be using government-issued IDs to hold uploaders responsible for copyright

Terrible idea, whats why there is public domain music such as Monstercat, Clippsly or Duetti in the first place. I hope this never happens again. So just wait for more labels/publishers to hope onto the audio train as the Creator Store will expand and is expanding each month.

You’re distributing assets onto the platform, it’s a form of legal protection that a real person which agreed to their licensing/distribution agreement can publish sound effects into the Creator Store. Expanding the limit or allowing previous pre-privacy update would be a disaster.
For reference please read:


It is still a good step in the right direction!


I wasn’t trying to suggest reducing what it takes to upload public audio, rather that, once audio is public, it doesn’t take being added to a game owner’s inventory for the case of music (it makes sense for the case of sound effects). I didn’t know there were other publishers like Clippsly or Duetti on the website yet, thats a nice step forward - yes moderation is important and what I want to get at is that music players that can play the same songs across many games are important for like, culture, whatever it takes to make such a feature work without blatant bypassed audio or copyright issues

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They made it free to upload when they introduced that cap in the first place, if I remember correctly.

Oh… I didn’t even think about that. That’s actually kind of a nightmare.

You misunderstand this post bud, audio upload was made free 2 years ago, you’re late to the party :sweat_smile:
This post is talking about the ability to make your uploaded audio public, for other people to use, which was not possible before.

Wow! A corporate shill! Imagine that!

same bro everyone who’s blocked by the ID barrier is sitting in a corner rn

id verified to publicize audio is a bit… harsh in my opinion, why cant you just have the verification method be a phone or email?

Some of my audio uploads, which are under 10 seconds and clearly SFX (car engine sounds that I’ve made myself), aren’t able to be made public even though my account is ID verified for audio distribution. Has anyone else experienced this?

Nahh, I think theres plenty to criticize Roblox for. Doesn’t mean I can’t point out straight illogical criticism when I see it.