Public Sound Effects Upload Are Now Available for Creators

Thanks for clarifying it. Does it effect moderation history though?

Phone verification is not as secure as a government id. Phone numbers are not unique, you can get a new phone number, very easily, in fact; carriers like Verizon do not even charge a fee to do so. Of course not all wireless carriers operate the same, but even then it is pretty cheap from what I have seen online.

The copyright battlegrounds are ruthless. I do not blame Roblox for not wanting to take any chances, particularly from what @DanTDM_Rocks999 brought up previously. If this were all a ploy to get everyone to get id verified, what exactly is the plan there? Roblox themselves do not get any of the information on your id card, it is handled by Persona, where it is then disposed of after 90 days as per their privacy policy.

I understand the frustration and opposition to how Roblox operates as it excludes younger developers and those who are rightfully concerned about their own privacy, but I also understand not wanting to be sued into bankruptcy by widespread copyright infringement.


wow! amazing update, im sure roblox won’t push an unnecessary and annoying feature onto it to completely ruin any value the update previously ha-


(didnt mean to reply to you)


Fire update. :fire: I can see why this wasn’t opened to full audios, but I’m still happy with what we got!


I noticed one thing missing while reading the post; if I make a public audio asset and make it part of a free model, eg. making a free model bird that chirps, will the sound work when inserted into other people’s experiences?

I don’t remember upload sound not free, i just remember it being free, but never has to pay it to upload my custom sounds


For me it says Enabling Store is not available yet. Does this mean the audio asset is not eligble?

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This is not yet a feature that is support. This launch only enables creators to upload sound effects to Creator Store.

However, if your users do go through this process and upload sounds to Creator Store, you can add those assets to your inventory and provide access to those sounds in your game however you like.

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Is this normal that Distribute switch appeared on our brand account on regular songs which are longer than 10 seconds? Or is it just because they’re public domain by default?
(before it was greyed out)

Audio link:

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Confirmed that there has been no changes to the criteria for uploading private audio, no ID verification is required.

Yes, the sound should work out of the box.

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Yes exactly. It could be that:

  1. You have not received eligibility to be a distributor
  2. The duration of the audio is too long
  3. The audio did not pass on or more of: copyright detection, Roblox’s sound effect classifier and/or moderation

ID being required and not being able to appeal moderation is atrocious. This might as well not even exist at this point t.


You can always appeal audio moderation here: Log in to Roblox


It says in the OP that you can’t appeal

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That’s wierd since the Violations & Appeals page allows you to appeal an audio asset.


Maybe the OP meant something else.

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The application isn’t difficult at least, I submitted one for the Rights Manager and it got accepted in like two days. It is annoying, though.


true, but its just another thing you have to do for a feature that used to be completely unlocked, its annoying having to do so much for so little.


It is, yes. The Rights Manager made sense, even though it doesn’t work, but for this? An application for this feature seems pointless.

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Audio uploads have been free for years now, it used to be paid before that

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