Public Sound Effects Upload Are Now Available for Creators

In the end, audios are going to remain as they currently are. Everyone can have their separate opinion about ID verification, sound duration limits, etc.

I don’t agree with the constant ID verification, but I see WHY they do it.
Audio bypassing was an extreme problem that everyone continued to constantly complain about. Roblox only decided to really “patch” it because they were shoved into an extreme lawsuit involving copyright.

Copyright is something that is hard to battle against and work arounds aren’t really a possible thing. I would love public audio capability as much as the next person, but there are limits in place because of the issues that arose prior.

You simply must just get used to the fact that this is the state of the game, they aren’t ignoring our requests for public audios, but rather finding a solution is harder than it seems.

Age verification is just a “solution” to the issue that post-pones the actual issue.

ID verification shouldn’t be “supported”, but it is what it is, it won’t change unless they have a legal reason to change it, just like with copyrighted audios.

Edit: Something that could be done as a solution, is the creators/publishers of music could become allowed distributors, granting roblox a license to use their music on the platform. Then, these publishers or labels could release music that we all know and love, cleaned up, and then fully available to everyone else. See attachment.

We could be asking our beloved music creators to allow our music instead of harassing a company who can’t force anything to happen.


I know Roblox will be enraged when they realize copyrighted music is about to come back, and then they act as if they never expected it. “oH hOw dId thIs haPpEn!?” Like… you did it??

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Are you kidding me?

Considering we’re being forced to go through so many checks (having to verify our government ID) you’d expect to have no limits whatsoever. I can’t think of a logical reason why there would be a cap on the length of audios.

I am questioning who at roblox thinks of these limitations as productive and effective.


Exactly, we should get way more than 10 seconds if we’re giving them everything.


Well yes if you doing anything professional, they of course need to know who you are. Roblox is not the same thing as a professional music distributor.

By that logic, literally everything you make on the platform should be tied to ID verification. That means to publish any asset or experience. That’s not how it should work in my opinion. If privacy isn’t a concern, yeah that’s great. If it is, not so much.

I’ll say this, if you want to (or probably have already) ID verify, go ahead. Nobody is stopping you from doing so. Me myself am not going to do so and nobody is going to change that unless I see a professional path on the platform for which I do not currently. I am not going back and forth on this.


The same could be said about decals, yet here we are, everyone can upload decals and roblox hasn’t been sued because of that.

They said the same thing when it came to custom video uploads, but really, in the big picture, its not that different from all the other types of “UGC” content on this platform.


Roblox is acting in this case as a open DSP similarly to SoundCloud but more closed up. As people “distribute” their sounds into the platform they agree to a legal agreement between them and Roblox which is tied to their real life identity. In this case Roblox is both a distributor and a DSP.

Assets and experiences are automatically licensed on upload to Roblox. It’s Roblox’s decision of what to lock out behind the ID wall and what don’t.

I completely understand that, it’s your identity which you don’t want to provide to a third party platform.


Hey epic! Nice to see this finally getting added.

Shame that it’s only or ID-Verified users though.

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Thanks for reaching out! That was definitely not my understanding, so thank you for clearing up the confusion.

I admit it’s not an ideal scenario, but as I presume Roblox will eventually allow for the distribution of any sounds, it’s not too big a hassle.

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This update allows sharing sound effects, which is great! But requiring ID verification might limit participation. Maybe there could be another option for creators who aren’t comfortable sharing their ID (I’m not comfortable sharing my ID either). :frowning_face:

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Time to add ‘begs for ID photos’ to the ROBLOX update bingo card and tick it

I saw that we needed a verified ID and a huge frown was placed on my face. In other words we need younger creators like myself to have the ability to be more customizable! I’m currently 15 while writing this, and i’ve been wondering about when public audios are going to be available again, and I really don’t think that anyone like myself would take it lightly that we have to wait another 3 years to upload audios. I understand this is a security check to prevent people from uploading assets that are not wanted on the platform, however this also prevents a large majority of the community from using a feature thats locked behind an age wall. There really should be some sort of account age check (atleast 1 year) rather than a verify ID check, that way if someone where to publish a bad audio, they’d have to wait an entire year or use up an old account of there’s, and even if the audio does get through there will be a high chance of the audio being deleted along with a ban.

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Then you’d see they have no agreeable reason to do it. Any belief that having a ID card means you are incapable of breaking the law is generally a false concept. They are also back to square one when all data collected during the process is currently deleted after the retention period or after the enactation of a GDPR erasure. ROBLOX already enacts rigorous and consistently updated copyright audio checks…

There should be the potential of a agreement similar to YouTube that satisfies the rights groups while also allowing the vast majority to upload to the website. I know ROBLOX employed audio checks before, however they were not as good as other websites have employed (there was also audio backdooring through messing with the frequency, pitch and even a exploit). Given a proper and effective copyright bot paired with easy DMCA filing, rights controls for copyright holders whose content has been identified either automatically and manually aswell as removal of exploits/glitches as they appear, it would be quite a robust system and I wager many times more effective than the assumption having a ID means you can’t do wrong.

I highly doubt it’s because of this. If it is, they’d need to collect alot more and more permanently. Many people who are ID verified are said to have had their data deleted after the retention period ended. Many users who did this in the early days should according to the privacy policies where they haven’t further consented, no longer have their data held.


yknow… it will be a lot easier to sue someone that repeatedly posts inappropriate content if you have their literal person id

Except in many cases they do not actually have the ID of the person in question (or so is legally disclosed anyway by privacy policies)

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I wasn’t optimistic that Roblox would ever allow public audio uploads again. It’s a start… I guess.


They use the ID to prevent repeat offenders; they store the anaomyized ID of the actual government card (much like liquor stores do) and use that to check that you’re not using the same ID on a different account.

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Big music labels would always win in this battle, as long as they have the money and power over music.


They clarified it here:


its funny how ALL OF THIS became a thing after Roblox went public.

this isnt even the work of roblox, this is the work of the investors/board.